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[ Week 9 ] - Panel & Eliminations!

Topic » [ Week 9 ] - Panel &..

3293 days 15 hours ago
Welcome Ladies to Panel & Eliminations.

Let start of by saying....WHAT A HECTIC WEEK!!!
You girls had to face 4 Clients this week in order to reach the Semi Finals!

The Clients have now viewed your Photos, scored them and told me which Models they will each like to book.

This is how it will work,
We will go Client by Client, each will reveal their critiques for each girl and then announce who they will be booking.
Top Photo this week will NOT necessarily be the Model that gets most Bookings but the Model that has the HIGHEST overall score out of the 4 Go See's.

Lets get on with Panel....
3293 days 15 hours ago
First up we have Cirie!

:::::::::: CIRIE ::::::::::

Molly – This is defiantly the type of clothes I was looking for but there is one big problem. As a model you are expected to wear and sell the clothes whereas in your case the clothes are wearing you. The clothes are doing the effort for you I think. You seem really awkwardly placed.

Leila – That dress is AMAZING! I love the photo. It has an edgy, high fashion vibe that I love and your body looks so sexy in that dress. This is a great shot and I think you have started really well!

Erin – Okay, this photo looks like a photo you took just before you came in to see me. This is a great outfit for a Go See or a job interview but for a High Fashion, edged out clothing shoot this is not valid.

Fatima – You look like you are about to prance on me girl! What a mean stare you got going on there. I do like the dress but honestly I would make this for my grandmother for my brother’s wedding. That is all I got to say.

Jessica – I do love the shot and I do love you in the shot but to be quite honest with you I don’t like the outfit. It seems a little cheap for me and this is not as High Fashion as I design. This is more cabaret but still a good Fashion shot.
3293 days 15 hours ago
Cirie: " Models it has been a pleasure being with you tonight but unfortunately only ONE Model has impressed me. Therefore I can only book that Model. Congratulations..................LEILA! "

::::: BOOKINGS :::::
Molly - 0
Leila - 1
Erin - 0
Fatima - 0
Jessica - 0
3293 days 15 hours ago
Your second Client tonight is Liam Jackson!

:::::::::: LIAM JACKSON ::::::::::

Molly – The clothes are beautiful and I am guessing that is where the “designer” aspect comes out it. Your pose is creative and you are selling the clothes really well!

Leila – I like everything about the photo except the direction you are pulling your hair to. If you would have done it in the opposite direction I would have felt more strength. The only thing you did with your hair was loose your neck.

Erin – I like it. It is cute. It shows your natural beauty and how beautiful your features are. You focused on you and that is what I truly wanted in the end. I do not see the strength that you say but I do see the cuteness.

Fatima – Although I love this photo and I love the colours on your skin, you did not go as much with the theme as the other girls. The others posted a Blank Canvas behind them where as yours is not so blank.

Jessica – Sometimes less is more and you definitely have proved that with this shot. Your body is sexy but strong and your eyes are just piercing through the camera, through the pages of the magazine and hit my soul. Great work!
3293 days 15 hours ago
Liam: " Well Models to be quite honest with you I was surprised, some of you did better than I expected as I have been following the competition really closely! I have decided to book 3 lucky Models tonight! Congratulations...............MOLLY, ERIN and JESSICA! "

::::: BOOKINGS :::::
Molly - 1
Leila - 1
Erin - 1
Fatima - 0
Jessica - 1
3293 days 15 hours ago
The third Client judging you tonight is John Smith!

:::::::::: JOHN SMITH ::::::::::

Molly – Not sure you understood the brief, I wanted you to stand out and I get a blurry black and white photo, it really doesn’t hold much attention but it is a tad unique.

Leila – Well there is something about your facial expression that does draw the attention but it is really not as unique as I was expecting it to be.

Erin – I have to say it is unique, most definitely but there is so much purple it is so easy to gloss over the pages of the magazine without noticing.

Fatima – The vibrant colours in this are great, there is nothing normal about it which I love, though the lack of contrast does hurt how much you stand out a bit.

Jessica – Beside all the others this pose doesn’t really do much, it is very normal and while it is a great shot does nothing for the brief.
3293 days 15 hours ago
John: " None of these really wowed me, I went for this challenge to see if people can break out of the norm and while not the most prime example ONE girl was the only one to deliver a vibrant and interesting shot. If i had wanted high fashion I would have asked for it but some of you seemed to want to give that more then the actual brief. With that said, Congratulations.........FATIMA!

::::: BOOKINGS :::::
Molly - 1
Leila - 1
Erin - 1
Fatima - 1
Jessica - 1

All Models tied at 1!
3293 days 15 hours ago
And finally your last Client, yours truly, Ray Martinez!

:::::::::: RAY MARTINEZ ::::::::::

Molly – Your body and your pose defiantly remind me of a statue and the fact you are covering your eyes also makes it feel seem less human. I love the background and you have High Fashion written all over your outfit. A good job for me!

Leila – I love your bone structure in this photo and the coat you are wearing is fabulous! Your hair does seem statue like but I am really not as impressed as I thought I was going to be. I have seen better from you and that is maybe why I am a bit let down.

Erin – I wish the photo would have been more focused on you but this is more or less what I was looking for Erin! I love your outfit! It screams wearable Art as soon as I open the photo. I think you really grasped the concept of what I was looking for! Well done!

Fatima – This could not have been more perfect Fatima! You seriously look like a mannequin and that is exactly the vibe I was looking for. It looks like you have been created and that is how Art is made. It is created by amazing artists and this photo is fantastic!

Jessica – Whatever it is you are looking at, I want to know what it is. Your eye contact is really strong and that is what intrigues me into the photo. Art is intriguing and that is why I like this photo. You look strong and in command and its really what I wanted.
3293 days 15 hours ago
Well girls it has gotten down to me in the end. Tonight honestly there were only 2 Models I thought were worthy of my Magazine with just the photo they presented to me. Congratulations........... ERIN and FATIMA!

::::: BOOKINGS :::::
Molly - 1
Leila - 1
Erin - 2
Fatima - 2
Jessica - 1

CONGRATULATIONS Fatima & Erin you are both the Winners of the Go See's!
3293 days 15 hours ago
:::::::::: SCORES HAVE BEEN ADDED ::::::::::

Before I announce who is going home tonight, you girls were asked 2 questions this week and this is how your girls rank according to how you think the competition is going.

1st: Fatime - 3 points
2nd: Leila - 1 point
3rd: Erin - 0.5 of a point
4th: Jessica - 0 points
5th: Molly - -4 points

Lets see how the actual scores are....
3293 days 15 hours ago
I have 5 Models standing in front of me but I only have 4 photos in my hands. These photos represent the 4 Models that are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model.

The first name I am going to call has been voted Best Photo as she has the Highest score...
Congratulations! See you in the Semi Finals!
3293 days 15 hours ago
Runner-up for Best Photo goes to
Well done! We will also see you in the Semi Finals!
3293 days 15 hours ago
and the third Model heading on to the Semi Finals is
Congratulations! See you next week in the Semi Finals!
3293 days 15 hours ago
Can Molly & Leila please step forward....

You both were the lowest scorers of the Go See's this week and therefore stand here in front of me tonight.
Molly you impressed Liam and Leila you impressed Cirie.
You each got one booking and therefore are neck and neck!

To decide who leaves tonight I have left it up to the total scores of this week and there is only ONE point separating the both of you.

The last Model heading into the Semi Finals is



Congratulations! You will join, Fatima, Jessica and Erin in the Semi Finals!
3293 days 15 hours ago
I am so sorry but this means we have to say goodbye to you Leila. You have been a fantastic contestant and I honestly thought you would have made Final 3. I want you to leave this competition proud of yourself because you have done fantastic throughout and you have beaten the majority of the girls. I hope to see you soon and good luck with anything you do in the future!

1st: Fatima - 86
2nd: Jessica - 85
3rd: Erin - 82
:::::::::: BOTTOM 2 ::::::::::
4th: Molly - 76
5th: Leila - 75
3293 days 14 hours ago
wow leila ;( definitely robbed ... sad to see you go! Goodluck :S

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