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[ Week 7 ] - Panel & Eliminations!

Topic » [ Week 7 ] - Panel &..

3313 days 9 hours ago
Welcome Models to Panel & Eliminations!

Before we start....

Raina failed to post a Photo for the Shoot so she is AUTOMATICALLY ELIMINATED from the competition. No Challenge and No Photoshoot = OUT!

As for the 6 of you left, Panel & Eliminations will continue as usual.

Angel will not be able to join us at Panel this week as he has actually had a Motorbike Accident and has been admitted into hospital. We wish him the fastest recovery so he can be back with us as soon as possible.

Erika, Margaux & I have viewed your Swimwear Photos and this is what we though of them....
3313 days 9 hours ago
::::: Molly :::::

Ray – I do like the bikini, background and accessories to the photo but I don’t like your pose. It really does seem to me like you are posing for a Pageant rather than a High Fashion bikini photoshoot. I think Leila used her power well.

Erika – Very well done! I love that this is not a basic, on the beach shot. You added texture to the background, enhanced it with a colourfully tasteful bikini, and topped it with that perfect pixie cut. Great job!

Margaux – This is gorgeous! I’m impressed, especially since you had to redo your photo. This is very strong and sexy, Molly, good job!

::::: Leila :::::

Ray – You a different looking girl and your awkwardness is what makes you unique. Now this week was all about being sexy in bikinis and high fashion. Do I consider you sexy in this photo? No, but are you High Fashion? Yes. That is what is in my head with this photo.

Erika – I really love this swimsuit, but not a big fan of the shot. The black and white effect is ok, but the pose and facial expression comes off as uninterested, which makes me equally uninterested.

Margaux – I like this photo! The black and white makes it a bit sexier, and I really like your pose. However, I do wish you could have tilted your head up a bit more, because you look a little bit angry from the shadows covering half of your face. Good job, though!

::::: Laura :::::

Ray – You are doing a little side tooch which is great! The messed up hair and black and white quality is what makes this a High Fashion photo. I do wish you would have given a little more fire in your eyes but other than that this is a great photo.

Erika – This is very much the same for what I said to Leila. It’s a nice swimsuit, but you seem bored and tired. The shot quality is great, but what good does that do if the modelling isn’t on point?

Margaux – I’m a little let down this week, I can’t figure out why but I’m not a big fan of this photo. Your facial expression is off, but I do like the rest of your pose. I think this photo would have been better if you had a stronger expression.
3313 days 9 hours ago
::::: Jessica :::::

Ray – You really got into it in this photo. I don’t think your body is in the right position and that is why you are not really showing off your figure. I do like the fact you took a risk and went a little more creative but it you would have pulled that swimsuit more and I don’t know what else we would have seen.

Erika – Alright I do like this shot for the simple fact that it’s doing more than just standing there. You look great in that colour and overall the shot is of great quality. I really enjoy the water standing still in motion. Great work!

Margaux – This is such an awkward photo for you in my opinion! I feel like you’re trying too hard to be sexy in this by pulling so hard on your bikini. I do like most of your pose and facial structure though, and the colours in this are nice.

::::: Fatima ::::::

Ray – I think you are trying to portray a Paris Hilton, stuck up, brat at her mansion pool posing for a swimwear Ad. That is what I got from this picture but your face just looks like you have smelt something rotten. I am not really impressed to be honest Fatima.

Erika – Throughout this competition you have been one of my personal favourites. Simply because you take each shoot seriously and work it for all it’s worth. However, we all have our not so great shots and I feel this is yours. Don’t get me wrong, you look amazing and the shot as a whole is great. I’m just not into this as I have been with your previous work.

Margaux – I really like the colours in this! You look relaxed and glamorous; you’re a natural with this. Great job!

::::: Erin :::::

Ray – I love this picture Erin, best of the week for me. I love the serenity in your body and in your face. Your chin is touching your shoulder but we can still see the neck. Your body looks amazing and sexy and I think this is your best photo to date. Well done!

Erika – Typically I would not be a fan of the beach setting, as it’s so overused. BUT, you managed to make me really love this shot. You look stunning and sweet. Your body is positioned perfectly to really draw us, the audience, into it. The entire look is great and by far one of your best shots of the season!

Margaux - This is such a simple photo - too simple for how far along we are in the competition. I do like how innocent and sweet you’re appearing to be in this image, and your pose is right on, but you should have been more creative with this. We’re coming closer and closer to the finale and this is just really plain, Erin.
3313 days 9 hours ago

The Judges have viewed and scored your photos. Mixed opinions as you can see.

I have 6 Models standing in front of me but I only have 5 photos in my hands. These photos represent the Models that are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model.

The first name I am going to call has the Highest score this week and has received Best Photo...
3313 days 9 hours ago

Congratulations you have won Best Photo this week!
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
3313 days 9 hours ago
Runner-up for Best Photo goes to

Well done!
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
3313 days 9 hours ago
Next name I am going to call is
Ultimately your power made Molly get Best Photo.
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
3313 days 9 hours ago
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
3313 days 9 hours ago
Can Laura & Jessica please step forward....

Jessica, the Judges were not too sure about your photo. It came across as forced and Modelling 101.

Laura, you not participating in the Challenge this week has ultimately brought you here to the bottom 2.

So who stays?
3313 days 9 hours ago
Jessica, because you did the Challenge you are safe.
You are still in the running towards becoming Tengaged's Next Top Model!
3313 days 9 hours ago
Laura, normally at this moment I would ask you to pack your bags and leave the competition. BUT as Raina has been Automatically Eliminated you will be given a second chance.
You had a higher score than Jessica in the Photoshoot but as you did not do the Challenge you had the lowest overall score.

And just so everyone else is clear, NOBODY was going to go home tonight, regardless of the results.

So all of you are still in the competition!

But, surprises dont end just yet....
3313 days 9 hours ago
You must all RUN back to the house and PACK YOUR BAGS!!

Because we are going to
3313 days 9 hours ago

You Models have made it to the Final 6 so what better way to treat you all than to continue this competition in Brazil!

You all have 2 hours to pack up your stuff and leave the Top Model house for good.

See you next week in Brazil Ladies!!!
3313 days 9 hours ago

1st: Molly - 8 + 70 = 78
2nd: Erin - 6 + 62 = 68
3rd: Leila - 8.5 + 56 = 64.5
4th: Fatima - 7 + 53 = 60
:::::::::: BOTTOM 2 :::::::::::
5th: Jessica - 7.5 + 52 = 59.5
6th: Laura - 0 + 55 = 55
3313 days 8 hours ago
Congrats all!

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Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 11!

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