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Kalahari Finale

Topic » Kalahari Finale

1767 days 3 hours ago
Hello. I came into this game knowing like 2 people. Kelly was my only good friend going in so I immediately thought there was no way we could both make it to this point. I saw the cast and figured I'd be voted out right before merge or at merge. There were enough irrelevants for me to stay for a few rounds but I saw many people I have never spoken to before in here. The tribes were made and I saw myself in a good spot to make merge because kelly and some acquaintances were on my tribe so I figured, even if we lost then I'd be fine. This turned out to be true and I easily made merge.

Now what was difficult is when Ashley, Alexa, and Nicky were all voted out. I wasn't bff's with any of them but I knew they'd probably vote with me more so than other people left. When they were voted out, I saw myself in a minority for the first time. I just assumed the other side of the house was all together against me. I really didn't see the need to reach out to anyone at this point, not because I was cocky, but because I just felt it wouldn't have mattered so my strategy at this point was to sit back and stay under the radar. I knew the other side was going to go after kelly first chance they got so I was thinking, if they were successful, then i'd try to flip some people after that and go from there.

Ryan messaged me out of the blue when it was me or Hali that were going to supposedly be voted out. I actually thought he was being genuine at first about it until Austin leaked to me, Hali, and Kelly that ryan was feeding him information and that was trusting him 100% and he could get him to do whatever he wanted. So I just played along with ryan and screenshotted his messages about connor and other people and showed them. Well connor messaged me and then i responded and he never said another word to me. So it was hard to make a relationship with connor when he just ignored me but I guess that is how some people are. No hard feelings there.

Me, Kelly, Hali, and Austin had a final 4 chat. It wasn't even that we all were 100% committed to that but the fact we had to work together because we were being targeted by the other side. The turning point to me is when Anthony decided to flip to us. Do I know why? Not at all. Everyone pretty much got upset with Ryan's antics and talking to every person in the house but nonetheless he flipped to us. When this happened, it ultimately caused the other side to collapse.

Anthony was med evac'd so that left the final 4 and ryan at final 5. I wasn't sure who I wanted in f3 with me. People I could beat or people I was loyal to or both. At final 5, I wanted ryan out and I won immunity so I knew I'd be safe. I told kelly and hali this in our Final 3 chat that we've had for awhile in the game. I think ryan was a better competitor than austin in most of the challenges and I wasn't sure how it was going to play out. I told kelly and hali to split votes on ryan and austin or dump them on ryan and that i was voting ryan. Well ryan stupidly played his idol on austin and ended up being voted out. But that was because of austin's vote and not any of ours because i was voting for ryan from the get go.

At final 4, I knew I needed immunity or otherwise I'd probably go to rocks at worst. So I lost immunity and went to rocks. Austin won immunity which was bad for me because I think kelly and hali would have both kept me and I wouldn't have had to have my game come down to a tiebreaker.

In the end, I think I played spectacularly and showed my amazing game strategy once again. Across all types of games, I always feel like I am a big threat and one people should get out early and I never know why they don't. I somehow can play my cards right and stay under the radar which is what I did in this game again. I would not say I sheeped anyone, but I had to stick with the people that gave me the best chance to make finals. Good luck kelly and austin!
1767 days 2 hours ago

1. What was the logic behind my boot and did you have an active role in it?
For me, it was too late to flip on Hali/Steve/Kelly at that point (esp w Anthony getting that med evac) and I had more of a working relationship with Ryan. While we had decent personal conversations one on one, I knew I had more hope of surviving final 5 with Ryan still in the game.
As far as an active role, I feel like we all kinda had one in that vote? It was pretty cut-and-dry at that point. There wasn't a lot of persuading that needed to be done

2. A social game is important to playing this game well. Please provide at least one thing you've learned about each jury member that is NOT related to the game. This could be their favorite ________ or their interests or anything of that sort.
Logan R. had to bury some sheep at one point in this game. One sheep had twin lambs that never got to be born.
Connor and I didn't talk much this game but way back in the day I think I remember him talking about how tupperware makes him uncomfortable.
Brittany and I also didn't have a lot of conversations but I know she has a job LOL
Frankly, Logan and I only talked about the votes but I learned that he definitely has a temper on him and isn't afraid to call a bitch out.
Livingston's building doesn't have an elevator and he lives on the second floor.
Ryan loves theater (and being a crackhead).
Hali is a big music gal and also did pretty well in Halloween's ORG.

3. Compare each juror to a Survivor US player and describe why.
this is a really hard question lol i haven't watched most seasons closely enough to remember everyone
Logan R. is James because he was a likable guy who went home with the idol.
For Connor, my best answer is Laurel because he was ALMOST the flip vote and wasn't (except in this scenario he got snuffed)
Brittany gives me Troyzan in One World because she was loyal to her side to a fault
Logan is a little bit of #ChaosKass because he was so willing to make a move and flip on his group, even when it didn't work out
Livingston, you might be Jay in MvGX becuase you fought hard but were left out to dry when it was too late for you to stick around
Ryan is Erik from Micronesia because lol
Hali is for sure Kara in DvG because she got a #RobbedGoddess 4th place bit
1767 days 2 hours ago
hope that answered ur question. lmk if u need me to expand or have anything else
1767 days 1 hour ago
1. What was the logic behind my boot and did you have an active role in it?
I did have an active role. i will be blunt. we did not have one conversation all game and you seemed like a likable guy who could win PLUS ryan had immunity and i had a feeling that anthony would med evac so you were the only logical choice for my game.

2. A social game is important to playing this game well. Please provide at least one thing
you've learned about each jury member that is NOT related to the game. This could be their favorite ________ or their interests or anything of that sort.

well. here is where i fault. i hate to not like answer this but i truly honestly did not have that many personal conversations with the jurors because i was never truly alligned with any of them. i think its very two faced to have a deep and meaningful conversation with someone just to turn around and slit their throat.
sorry for that

3. Compare each juror to a Survivor US player and describe why.
ok sorry in advance im SO bad at these

Logan M - President Lacina (Cagayan) - held all the power in the merge vote just to be flipped on. (rip)
Connor - hmmm probably someone who is a big threat and a likable person who is taken out for the threat status they possess so probably ummmmmmm brendan synnott (i know that is super random)
Brittany - Kelly Goldsmith. i cant quite put my finger on it but its speaking to me
Logan R - a crazy yet funny and woke player so someone like Wardog who wasnt afraid to speak his mind and target and flip who he wanted
Livingston - somebody who played a good social game but couldnt get that last final push to the end to win but was likable somebody BETTER then devin from hvhvh but i cant think of one right now
Ryan - Yeah i agree with Austin, erik for sure :(
Hali - Cirie played so well and robbed so close to the end
1767 days 1 hour ago
oh jesus balls i mixed the logans up of course
u get the point :3
1767 days 1 hour ago

1. What was the logic behind my boot and did you have an active role in it?
I had an active role because I voted you but you also voted me. We messaged each other a few times but never got far into conversation. You basically were the last piece that needed to go. Anthony would have been the vote here but we all figured he was being med evac'd so we played it safe and voted you. (also knew that ryan may have and play the idol so you were the only option left outside of my final 4 chat with kelly, hali, and austin)

2. A social game is important to playing this game well. Please provide at least one thing you've learned about each jury member that is NOT related to the game. This could be their favorite ________ or their interests or anything of that sort.

Brittany - hates blood work. Me and her had a conversation about me having a sinus infection/virus.

Logan/Chillum - enjoyed his weekend

I also tried to talk to connor and build a relationship but he never responded.

I didn't really connect with anyone else and didn't feel I needed to. I was going to work with brittany or try to if kelly was ever voted out but it didn't get to that point. I am not one to be fake to people just to get their trust so I did not bother wasting my time. On the flip side, when connor and anthony both messaged me hi and then i responded, neither of them acknowledged me again so it deterred me from speaking to others. 

3. Compare each juror to a Survivor US player and describe why.

I have only watched a handful of survivor seasons so this is based on what I've seen.

Logan/Chillum: Tyson. Got blindsided by his own.
Connor: Randy because connor was a villain to me since he didn't respond
Brittany: Amanda Kimmel. Strong competitor but could not get it done in the end. Nice personality.
Logan M: Phillip Sheppard bc of how he attacked ryan and idk it seemed similar.
Livingston: Colby Donaldson. Good guy and likeable but not enough of strong connections to make it to the end.
Ryan: Easy. Erik. I posted the gif a bunch during that voting round because I knew it was coming as soon as he didn't play it on himself. Plus there were 5 of us left just like when Erik did it.
Hali: Jeri manthey. Close to the end but also a little bit villainous.
1767 days 1 hour ago
Kelly, usually I would vote someone who was able to make their way to the top despite all of the odds stacked against them. That would reflect very good gameplay, and it should definitely be rewarded... with a runner-up placement. You’re a terrible person and obnoxiously rude, maybe if you gave people a chance and didn’t open your mouth so much you’d have a better shot at winning this game.

Austin, it was a good time getting to vaguely know you. Hope we get to work together sometime in the future! Good luck.

Steve, ya got my vote! I hope you win.
1767 days 1 hour ago
Congrats all 3 of you so glad that none of ryans allies are here

Ill post sone questions in a bit
1767 days 1 hour ago
1767 days ago
love u too brit
1767 days ago
me tryna figure out if I knew Ryan liked theatre (because I do too)

thanks for the answers thus far, there will likely be more!
1766 days 22 hours ago
Okay my first question and last is whats your favourite food
1766 days 22 hours ago
chicken cooked literally anyway
1766 days 21 hours ago
Mac and cheese
1766 days 17 hours ago
Congrats everyone on making it to the end and I have read your speeches and decided on who I think deserves the win.

I'm going to be renamed Erik from now on and I love that it was myself who caused my own downfall in Suitman Ghost Island and also here lol

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