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Cycle 7 - SemiFinals PART TWO

Topic » Cycle 7 - SemiFinals PART TWO

4630 days 22 hours ago


*20 models walk into the warehouse towards a runway in the middle of the vast room. As the assemble onto the platform, they look down the catwalk and see the judges, sitting at a table at the end of the runway*

Welcome models. We started out with 32 models, and you all survived the very first cut of the competition. However, we still have 5 more cuts to make before 16 of you will become finalists.

Now you're probably wondering why there are 20 of you there, not 21. Rihanna unfortunately did not show up at the shoot as was therefore disqualified. However, you should always keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be someone to replace you....
*In walks Carrie Underwood*

Please welcome back Carrie, who was next in line for the wildcard selections. She replaced Rihanna in the photoshoot and will have an equal opportunity to make our Final 16.

Now, please welcome our judging panel:

kort, who has had notable success in other NTM group games.
cheer4u, who has judged on Katrolis's NTM 1 and 2.
bobbobachoo1 (Alex), who has judged KNTM 4 and 5. Unfortunately he could not be here to comment on your shots, but he has ranked your photographs.


Shall we start? You were split up into groups this week. Maybe you didn't notice, but you were split into groups based on who I felt would be your direct competition in this game.

Group 1: The Blondes
Group 2: Asian Beauties
Group 3: Different and Lovin' It
Group 4: Cocoa Divas (well, besides Carrie)
Group 5: The Sexy Girls
Group 6: The Brunettes

Did you shine in New York or did you fade into the background? Let's see!
4630 days 22 hours ago


CHANTAL, my eyes go directly to you. I love the pose and the face. Good job!
ANJA, girl you rocked! Your pose is very dynamic and it stands out. But work on the face, that's what needs work.
JESSICA, I hate to say this, but your one of the weaker girls in this photo. Your pose kinda doesn't work, and I really don't see your face because your head is leaning back so hard.
LARA, I'm so angry with you! Last round I kept saying "she's fierce, instant front runner" but in this photo im a little disappointed. If you stay you need to bring it hun 'cause I know you got it in you.
TAYLOR, my eyes also went to you as well. I feel some of the poses were overrated and they overthought the shoot, but your photo was simplistic and it works here! The photo was with a NYC background, and you didn't really need a dynamic shot so GREAT JOB!
OVERALL, I like this shot a lot, but my eyes go straight to Chantal and Taylor. Also, Anja stands out as well with her dynamic pose. This is a great overall shot as it works for all of you. Taylor, Chantal & Anja are the standouts in this shot. The editing by Kebin is also great :P

OVERALL, I like the picture, but I don't love it.
CHANTAL, I like her pose, but her face expression makes her look drunk!
ANJA, personally I don't like the face, and the pose has her legs to wide!
JESSICA, the best one of the group! I love her outfit and her hair!
LARA, I would love this picture, but the chair/stool kind of ruins it.
TAYLOR, I like it, but it's a bit too cutsie.


The star of this shot is Jessica, for sure. I love how you went for it, Jessica. I love the movement and the dynamic body language, yet you kept your face strong and controlled. You look amazing, and you have definitely succeeded in claiming the spotlight of this shot. Anja, I think you look amazing as well, and even though Chantal and Jessica are blocking you, I still feel you held your own! I do think the face could’ve been stronger, but I still think you produced a striking image. Unfortunately I’m not really impressed with the rest of you. Chantal, this just looks stiff and awkward, and the way you’re crouching and leaning towards the camera distorts your proportions, in a bad way. Lara, I’m surprised with you. Although you look quite beautiful, you look like an amputee and overall, you look very bored and dull and I’m not really interested in you in this shot. Taylor, this is just SO Seventeen Magazine. It’s cute, but I don’t see a potential winner of this competition. I just see a very cute, very sweet, very commercial girl, not a model.
4630 days 22 hours ago
[Fei Fei – Jaekyung - Anna]


FEI FEI, I'm not surprised you rocked it! Once again you've rocked a shot! I go straight to you, and you have the simple aspect that rocks the shoot. Great job, I smell a frontrunner!(3)
JAEKYUNG, I think your last shot wasn't too memorable. This photo shows me your fierce and have potential! I think that you really delivered on this shot, and I see it on billboards. Great job!(2)
ANNA, I think you let Fei Fei & Jaekyung outshine you. Sure, they're both strong, but I expected you to hold your own, of which you didn't. I think you look like the weakest in this shot, and if you were cropped out, the photo would be better!(1)
OVERALL, As a whole, this photo is very strong and fierce! I smell some frontrunners! Jaekyung, had you looked directly at the camera it would've really made the photo even better but as a whole collectively it was amazing! Fei Fei & Jaekyung really impressed me and are the standouts for this.

GROUP2, I love this picture. The poses are very good, especially in the background.
FEI FEI, I really like how shes like staring at something other then the camera, but the skirt just dosen't work.
JAEKYUNG, there a reason you are in the front! Very nice job!
ANNA, The pose is good, but I hate those clothes!


I think as a whole, this shot is quite beautiful, but individually I can’t say I’m jumping up and down in my seat over any one of you. Fei Fei, out of the three, this is the most modelesque shot. However, it’s a bit boring in my opinion. You sorta fade into the background. Jaekyung, there is a confidence in your body language and your face that I do like, and those two factors do help you stand out. However, I’m not sure if I’m seeing a high fashion model here. Anna, I like how you did something different from the two others, but this looks a bit amateur to me. I don’t like how you’re opening your mouth and a bit of your skirt, like you’re trying to look sexy, and I think you could’ve been more natural with the pose. This looks very stiff. I think your eyes look beautiful, but this isn’t a great shot.
4630 days 21 hours ago


NICKI, I feel your photo is probably the weakest, but I'm not saying it's bad! Strong pose but you lost your face in this photo and thats what brings it down but good job!
MATHIAS,  I said you had potential! I thought you were a good model, and here is my proof! Its not the strongest and it doesn't stand out, but it's a good shot overall and its a big improvement from last week! Good job!
NAIMA, you knocked my panties, my bra, and my wig off! Girl you was werking from H2T, I think you outshined Nicki and Mathias and my eyes go directly to you! Definetely stellar performance! I see you as a frontrunner!
OVERALL, this photo is 100% dynamic! I think it really is a good shot as a whole and you all are working together to create something! As well, I feel as if you guys worked together, and your photos aren't too much going on as with Group 1 & 2. You all compliment each other, good job!

I love their facial expression and poses, but some of the clothing does not go well with the background.
NICKI, loves everything about you! One of my favorites!
MATHIAS, the pose is very nice!
NAIMA, you’re very pretty! The dress just does not go with the background at all!


Mathias, you’re probably my favorite in this photograph. I just love this "bad boy" sorta pose like you just don't give a damn, yet at the same time you look great. Nicki, the outfit and the pose are just so freakin’ men’s magazine. Your shot from the first round showed that you have high fashion potential, so I was hoping to see it. However this looks like a toned down King Magazine photo. I do think your face looks absolutely gorgeous. It’s soft and beautiful. Naima, this isn’t bad. You look strong and powerful. However it does look a bit “generic couture photo” for me, and I’m honestly more interested in the other two in this shot. But you didn’t do badly at all!
4630 days 21 hours ago


CARRIE, disappointment sweetie! I feel like theirs something lacking in your photos, its a pretty shot but it looks amateur. Where's the high fashion? Last week I saw a spark, has it got put out? You dragged the photo down.
KELLY, you look like an amateur! Wheres the contact with the camera? Your staring blankly up at the sky for what? You look like a deer caught in the headlights. I hate it, DRECKTITUDE! Girl, you need to get it together if you make it.
CIARA, you’re the only 1 that actually impressed me. The pose is great and simple, although it's overused, but the face is what really draws me in. It tells a story, I see a spark in your photo. You and Anja are opposites. Her pose is fierce, but needs to work on the face, and your face is drop dead fierce, but the pose is weak. We need a Cianja up in here! lol!
OVERALL, probably the most boring shot. I think none of you really stand out too much, and you honestly didn't work well together. I feel theirs a disconnection in this photo, and it really doesn't make me scream "DAMN". It's probably not as good as I expected. Ciara made the other 2 look bad.

This is an amazing group photo!It would have to be a tie for first with Group 5!
CARRIE, I just love this pose and everything else! You really impressed me!
KELLY, very sexy! Sexy face,clothes, and pose!
CIARA, it’s a very calm pose, but I really like it!


Carrie, welcome back! You did a pretty nice job. I like that you’re saying something with your eyes. Your face looks beautiful! Your body looks a bit too wimpy in this photograph in my opinion. I think you could’ve put more tension into your pose. Kelly, I think you did a pretty good job as well. I like the juxtaposition between the strong, confident pose and the innocent facial expression.  Even though you’re in the back, I think you held your own. Ciara, your shot is definitely growing on me. My main criticism is that knowing how youthful you usually look, you look quite aged in this photograph, like the mommy. But I LOVE this “HBIC” sorta attitude your giving, and that draws me into you.
4630 days 21 hours ago
Yay thank you guys for your compliments on Jessica <333

And lool or group looks so disorganized compared to the others XDD I guess it was because we had so much ppl :P
4630 days 21 hours ago
[Kate - Nicola - Alessandra - Laura]


KATE, you’re probably the weakest, but that's ok because you help the shot work! It's still a great shot of you, it's very elegant and i like the face!
NICOLE, The Face <3333 The Pose<333 Your working the cute factor, but we need some fierce stuff girl, you, Taylor & Laura are the cutesies, but we need fierce high fashion so next time give me something that will make me say "DAMN"!
ALESSANDRA,  when I saw this, I SAID DAMN! This is a fierce ass photo I swear your working it H2T! Your better work! I cant find any kind of flaw in this photo this is everything it should be! IMPRESSED! FRONTRUNNER MATERIAL! KNTM MATERIAL!
LAURA.....your a cutesie, but this is fierce girl! I love this shot as a whole, but you need to work on your face and your posing. Your left hand looks awkwardly hanging out, find something to do with it! Your face is scruched up like your in pain, you need to work on you face, don't forget your face when your posing boo!
BEST PHOTO OVERALL! I think it's Sex and the City plus a High Fashion shoot! Theirs a spark in each one of you that connect the shot! It's the most powerful, I <33333333 this photo to death of you girls! Total frontrunners!

This is my favorite picture! Very sexy,beautiful, and wonderful poses!
KATE, it looks kinda vintage with the hair and hat, but it definitly works!
NICOLA, it’s a very simple pose and dress, but it's really beautiful!
ALESSANDRA, very sexy! Thats all I can say!
LAURA, the placement of the hands is very weird,but evrything else good.


I would’ve liked some more expression from you, Kate, because I think that’s where you lost the shot for me. I love this “rich bitch” sorta look you’ve got going on, but when I reach the face you sort of fade into the background. Nicola, you are becoming one of my favorites. You look like such a doll in this photo! So breathtakingly beautiful and whimsical! Lovely job! Alessandra, I’ve been worried about whether or not your “bombshell” reputation would interfere with you high fashion capabilities, but I think you gave a good balance between sexy and edgy in this shot. You look so good! I love how long and lean your legs look, I love the bend in the waist and your face looks very ferocious. You are the most striking model in this shot for me. Laura, this shot is good waist-up. I just think your legs look unflatteringly short , and you just need to be more conscious of how you’re angling yourself towards the camera. Also, maybe a bit too much tension in the mouth. However as a group, I do love this shot.
4630 days 21 hours ago


BRITTANI, dreckitude! I've lost a little bit of impressment from you! Your standing there, and your wearing funky clothes so I expected much more than what I'm getting. I don't even think you want this, considering I'm staring at this horrible photo. Crop you OUT BOO!
COCO, you’re the strongest in this photo! Crop the other 2 out and just leave you! This shot of you works, and the face is just marvelous! Work on the posing boo, you and Ciara need some posing from H2T lessons!
KARLIE, wtf? You are swinging from a tree and it's very risky. I like the risk factor, but it's a real big epic fail. I don't hate this photo, I WANT TO BURN IT.
OVERALL, 2 words....HOT MESS! This is the only photo that overall is dreckitude! Theirs too much going on, theirs a disconnection in this photo that brings it down. Each of you are strong, but you don't compliment each other in this photo! I think Brittani needs to be cropped out, she's literally bringing your photo down.

The face are pretty, but I don't like the picture.My least favorite group.
BRITTANI,  love your face! But whats with the weird hat? It really turns of the picture
COCO, the eyes are pretty.
KARLIE, the only one in the group that is excetionally okay.


Brittani, I think you look quite beautiful in this photograph. But can you do so much better? Hell yeah! I think you got outshined actually. You’re just standing there look pretty. Overall, I’m rather disappointed. Coco, I absolutely love the element of surprise and drama you bring to this photograph. I don’t know how the other two could have outshined you, and I like how you took a risk. It’s very charming shot, and at the same time I think you worked your body very well, especially in that big dress! Karlie, I don’t really think you took much of a risk as you said you did. Other than the fact that you’re swinging from a tree, this shot looks quite safe and stiff, and you really don’t stand out. You should’ve stayed with your first shot honestly.


Some of you succeeded. Others failed. After the panel deliberates, I will announce the 16 cast members of this cycle of KNTM. Good luck to you all.
4630 days 21 hours ago
will we know if we make it 2night?
4630 days 20 hours ago
Probably not. Alex still needs to hand in rankings, and I'm planning something special to announce the Top 16 that will need preparation time.
4630 days 20 hours ago
kk :) I hope we can hear the results tomorrow :PP
4630 days 20 hours ago
ahwww i was really excited :(
4630 days 20 hours ago
good luck everyone! :)
4630 days 20 hours ago

4630 days 18 hours ago
I'm so tired, I was out all day. I'm doing the rankings right now. You're all lucky I'm nice :P

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