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Finale + Reunion

Topic » Finale + Reunion

4291 days 18 hours ago
Also Omar, I would like to respond to this.

"Ben - No comment. You were a sheep this whole game tbh, after Lincoln left you needed a new shepard and that shepard was in the shape of a Mearl & Alex :|"

I did not play a sheep's game. I made moves that benefited me. Unlike you and even Mearl, I did not feel the need to dance around and make pointless alliances with members of GG who it wouldn't benefit you to work with anyway. Your vote was public so flipping like this would just put you in danger with no real benefit.
I played a solid game, focused on keeping myself in the game.
4291 days 18 hours ago
by the way Omar, me and Mearl were both aware that you were talking with GG, so it really only hurt you rather than help you.
4291 days 12 hours ago
^^^^^Yet you took him to the end
4291 days 12 hours ago
'Gets up from Jury Bench'

Ok, my ass really hurts from sitting there for the last few weeks, so this might take awhile

First off, congratulations! Mearl, Omar, and Dexter. Hmmm, very interesting to see 1 of you here, very shocked to see another, not really a surprise to see the other. So, you 3 are the last 3 in THIS game? I struggle to find a reason ANY of you deserve to win this game.

Dexter: I'll start with you. When we merged, you told me that you were on the bottom. The VERY FIRST thing you told me was a lie. So, how do I vote for a liar who really did nothing but lie? I really am struggling to find a reason why you deserved to be in the Final 12. So, you tell me why you had to lie to get to where you are?

Omar: Hmmm, to be honest, I really had no idea you were in this game until like the Final 7. As a player, to fly under the radar is a good thing. As a Juror, watching somebody coast......not a good thing. You define the word "Coaster", not floater, since you obviously had no other deals. 'Looks at Keith'. So, tell me Omar, why should a "Coaster" be given the victory in this game?

Mearl: Well, I am really not shocked you're here. You clearly play to win in EVERY game you play, trust me, I know. So, you come of to me as being the leader, you orchestrated everything your side did. So tell me, what did YOU do on your own in this game?

I want to thank Gaiaphage and bingo21, sorry I couldn't do more to make someone on this Jury win like I wanted to

When you answer my questions, be honest. This is a game, a game I take very seriously when I vote for a winner. Whoever wins will have earned it, but you have to live with what you all have done.

Thank you!

'Sits back down'
4291 days 11 hours ago

Mearl: Well, I am really not shocked you're here. You clearly play to win in EVERY game you play, trust me, I know. So, you come of to me as being the leader, you orchestrated everything your side did. So tell me, what did YOU do on your own in this game?

As you know this game is split into three parts: Social, Strategical, and Physical.]

Socially- The main thing that I did, by myself, that led me here was talking to Ben after the Lincoln blindside. My alliance had majority at that point but I saw Dexter as a useful player and I needed to make sure that our tribe stuck together at merge. This relationship was huge because not only did I get Dexter to come work with the rest of BB but, unknown to me, he had an idol that he would've played otherwise and that idol turned out to be helpful.

Strategically- I orchestrated the Lincoln blindside. He was running the show and I felt uncomfortable since he had kept me out of the loop for 2 votes in a row. Originally my alliance of 4 were gonna target Lea but instead I put Lincoln's name on the table and convinced Lincoln and the rest of the tribe to split the vote, which gave our 4 majority.

Physically- I won more immunities then the other two finalists combined and that kept me safe at times throughout the game. Being safe is good because it gives you more confidence to make moves and not have to worry about yourself.
4291 days 11 hours ago

When we merged I was with Bingo's Best, everyone was scrambling in order  to gain numbers for their original tribe. I approached you and told you that I was the bottom of Bingo's Best to try and collect information for my tribe and also lure Gai's Great's into a false sense of security. Flipping to GG would have been stupid on my part. The lie was a simple attempt to gain numbers for my tribe. This is just the game, sorry if that offended you but surely you expected lies from the opposing tribe.

Other times I have lied post merge that come to mind.
- To Monk, pretending that me and him had to vote each other. Knowing full well that an idol was going to be played on me and that him voting for me would send him home. This was a bad blindside and I felt bad but it was going to be or him.

- To Zack, I feel most bad about this lie. Told him that, Omar was going to go, which was the original plan. (I wanted to take Zack to the final) however, on the night he got voted the vote had to be changed to him in order to protect myself if Jayson played an idol and Zach switched. Jayson did play and idol and it sent Zach home.

- To Keith and Jayson, who me and Mearl both told we wanted to work with. To be honest, this was Mearl's idea more than mine and I was sort of dragged into it. This was a direct lie and was promised to give me and Mearl a safety blanket. This was kind of unnecessary but better being safe than sorry, I guess.

Overall, these are the main lies I feel I told post merge which hurt others. I feel generally guilty about these ones but sometimes, especially the Monk lie, it's essential in order to stay in the game.
4291 days 9 hours ago
Mearl: Thank you for your answer

Dexter: It didn't offend me really, I could care less if you lied anyways
4291 days 9 hours ago
*Jurors make sure when you have made up your mind you send you vote to both Gaia and myself*
4291 days 7 hours ago
okay i have no questions,  but mearl, in your opening speech u said ben played a great game. like really, if u think he did, u r delusional, another thing to ben, or w/e your name is, plz dont  bother, this is like a f2, can u just go smell some elephant shit, and thats all, and my vote will go to omar to make up for his lost jury vote :P
4291 days 7 hours ago
*Steps out in front of everyone*

Ohhhhhhh boy, what should I say? Well firstly, I will congratulate you all on making it here. It was a crazy, insane game and certainly had the best players in it for sure!

But now we gotta get to the bad part.

Omar, as you know, we talked a LOT in this game. I trusted you as a friend, and wanted to be your ally, but you never truely gave me that despite all the promises. You never voted for me, and I feel it was only to keep yourself in my good books as you knew I'd be on jury, because you stuck with Alex, Mearl and Dexter all along. You never once helped orchestrate a big game move. You can't say you ever helped me make a move, you didn't. So my question to you is why did you bother with me in the first place?

Mearl, I could not STAND your stupidity in this game. You constantly were talking to Jayson, saying you wanted to align with us when me and him were actually good allies, and to make big moves, yet again you bullshitted over and overrrrrrrrr again with each tribal council that came. Jayson would always tell me 'OH MEARL IS DOING THIS?' but after the 3rd time I truly could not comprehend your reason for doing this. It made you look worse and worse with every damn tribal. I myself didn't care much for you in the game, cause I knew what you were full of. So what exactly was your purpose in making yourself more hated?

Dexter! You annoyed me a lot in the game. That night we went on the Skype call with Jayson and Mearl, you sat in complete silence, not saying anything and just let Mearl do all the talking. Not that you guys were ever gonna actually work with us, but it just showed Mearl was the obvious guy in charge. The only move I recall you making was using your idol. From that point onwards, you sat in complete silence, not even winning an immunity challenge which is an important part of the game.
Since that leaves your social game standing, where the hell was it?
4291 days 6 hours ago

Hey. Firstly, I don't think it's fair to judge my game on a one 5 minute skype call but anyway...Honestly, making promises to you and Jayson in the first place was maybe not the smartest thing. However, it was originally Jayson who added me on Skype trying to make a deal through out mutual alliance, Mearl. I was never the person pushing for this because I knew it was just going to piss people off. This is why I didn't get want to involved in that skype call and strategy in general with you and Jayson.

In terms of my Social game. I wasn't running around talking to everyone on the merged tribe but the last time I checked we are not actually living together on an island and therefore 'social chit chat' becomes hard to achieve the with people in the game who I couldn't have worked with strategically anyway(most of GG). However, I talked to pretty much all of BB (Including Zach and Monk) before and after the merge, so my social game lies here.
4291 days 5 hours ago
Dexter: In your response to Keith, technically you're saying you played a social game to 5 other people, 2 of which are sitting next to you. That means of the 9 Jurors, 6 of them you really didn't "socialize" with. Sure, we talked for like 1 day about the merge vote, and that really wasn't working since we were both using eachother. Of the Final 3, who played the best SOCIAL GAME?
4291 days 5 hours ago

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying. It doesn't look like the way I played is working in my favor considering the jury response lol but... being social, leads to an alliance and that leads to backstabbing when there is no way I would want that person sitting next to me at the end anyway. (In my case this was most of the GG players)

Of the Final 3, who played the best SOCIAL GAME? Mearl and Omar played a great social game if a Social game is defined as talking to various groups and making everyone trust you. However, when these are the people you are going to have to vote out anyway, does the socializing still pay off? I think the final decision on who played the best social game will be who ever gets the most jury votes. In my mind, it was me.
4291 days 4 hours ago
in your mind, you are crazy
4291 days 4 hours ago
I've been told.

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