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Friday The 13th - Part 1

Topic » Friday The 13th - Part 1

864 days 14 hours ago
June 6th, 2021.


A bus full of hopeful counselors drives through the woods and towards Camp Crystal Lake.

Uma holds her phone out the window, in an attempt to get phone service.

Jay: “You’re not gonna get any phone service here. It’s like a total dead zone.

Uma rolls her eyes as Noa playfully hits Jay.

Noa: “Let her live!”

She smiles and then lays her head on his shoulder.

A few seats over, Hallidae, who’s wearing a comically large hat, trench coat, and glasses grips, the seat in front of her. Watching Noa and Jay in anger.

Dylan, who’s sitting in front of her, turns to her.

Dylan: “Are you okay?”

Hallidae growls at her and then lowers behind the seat.

Kay gets up and slides into the seat next to Ronnie. He makes eye contact with her chest.

Kay: “Sup.”

Ronnie twirls an end of her hair and smiles.

Ronnie: “Hi…”

Lennie, who’s sitting across from Ronnie loudly groans.

Lennie: “She’s such a fucking slut…”

She completely interrupts Mikko, who was going on about how he *almost* met up with a guy from grindr.

Mikko: “...Yeah totally..”

The bus finally pulls into the camp, Richard Jackson stands there waving.

Suddenly, one of the two (2) phones in the entire camp rings. Richard quickly answers.

Richard: “Hello??”

???: “He’s alive… he never died.. He’s alive-”

Richard slams the phone down and runs back out.

The bus stops and everyone climbs off.

Uma side eyes her brother.

Uma: “I don’t know why you had to come…”

Jay: “Our mother made me… something about how I don’t value hard work.”

Uma: “Yeah whatever but that doesn't mean you have to bring both girlfriends…”

Jay: “Both girlfriends???”

Suddenly, Hallidae rips off her costume.

Hallidae: “Yes it is I! Hallidae Creedon-

Richard cuts her off.

Richard: “Okay cool. Anyways, we have a lot of work to do but who’s ready for an amazing summer??”

No one moves.

Richard: “Oh… okay.”

864 days 14 hours ago

June, 13th. 2021.


As Richard calls everyone into The Loft for a meeting about how tomorrow will be the official start for the camp, A random couple gets cozy in a tent right outside the camp.

The woman, Chloe, takes off her bra and flirtingly throws at the man, Mark.

Mark: “God you’re so hot when you’re only wearing a sleeping bag....”

Chloe: “Weird but thank you…”

As the couple leans in close, a noise is heard outside.

Chloe: “What was that…”

A figure outside yanks a machete out of a nearby tree trunk.

Mark: “It was nothing…”

Chloe: “Can you please go look…”

Mark groans.

Mark: “Fine… but you’ll owe me…”

Mark winks and then climbs out of the tent.

Mark glances around.

Mark: “Babe there’s no one out here…”

Mark as he goes to head back into the tent, he hears footsteps behind him. He turns around and sees Jason Voorhees.

Mark: “Holy fuck…”:

Chloe puts on a shirt.

Chloe: “Mark? What is it?

Chloe suddenly hears a slashing sound and then a thud. She slowly begins to crawl out of the tent.

Chloe: “... Mark..?”

She sticks her head out the tent and screams when she sees Mark’s dead body. She gets up and makes a run for it. However Jason jumps out from behind a tree and slashes at her. Luckily, she’s able to dodge it and starts running in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, she trips and face-plants into their fire. As she screams and tries to get back up, Jason stops on her back, breaking her spine and leaving her immobile.
864 days 14 hours ago
And here's all the locations if you're wondering!!

The Loft - this is where all the counselors hang out!! Think of the house from the 2nd movie!! A Satellite phone is located in the house

3 cabins - They’re all the same, just for the regular campers to use!!

An office - regular office, contains the landline.

A kitchen + Cafeteria

A bathroom + Showers

An abandoned cabin off to the right.
864 days 14 hours ago
Cece and Jacob stand in the corner of the loft, whispering to each other.


Uma lays on one of the couches, groaning.
864 days 13 hours ago
*Kay is in the kitchen of the loft looking at a can of beans very intently* “I could probably make these without burning this place to the ground.”


*Quentin looks at the child groaning on the couch  with disgust*
864 days 13 hours ago
Hallidae barges into the Loft. Her eyes skim Cece and Jacob before she ski-daddles over to Uma.
"Uno, right? Hey sister! Did you finally get that phone service? My cellmate was supposed to cashapp me 500 dollars and she got out yesterday..."


Mikko lays on a neighboring couch, excitedly texting his Grindr toyboy who's suspiciously close from him??? His oversized headphones are blasting some bad Taylor Swift song. Probably like 'London Boy'. Yeah.
864 days 13 hours ago
*Dylan and Erika are in the girls bathroom brushing their teeth*
864 days 13 hours ago
Uma catches one of Quentin's looks as she sits up and raises her eyebrow. "What's your problem??" She turns to Hallidae. "It's Uma. And no, I didn't. I'm gonna DIE.... of bordem." She lays back down.
864 days 13 hours ago
*Ronnie walks into the cabin like*

*Lennie meekly walks in behind her and scurries over to Mikko like a little rat*

"Omggggg Mikko there are literally like so many people here... my social anxiety is going into overdrive!"
864 days 13 hours ago
Jay walks over to Kay and takes the can from him. "Maybe have someone else cook?"


Cece and Jacob leave the loft, Jacob turns on his camera.

Cece: "I think we just need to get more clips of the abandoned cabin and then we can ditch these losers..."

They start walking over to the cabin.
864 days 13 hours ago
Hallidae pats Uma a little too harshly, taking the seat next to her.
"Girl, you young-ins are so technology obsessed!!! I found this board game called 'Scrabble' in one of the cabins... I think it's like Wordle, but with... tiles? You- You know Wordle, right?"
Her mind wanders off, before she pulls out a lollipop from her pocket.
"...So where's your BROTHER?"


Mikko immediately raises his head over to Lennie, taking off his headphones. He nods, looking over at the close section on Grindr.
"Too many people, not enough trade- I mean, like, who would want to socialize with these freakazoids anyways? I'm pretty sure I overheard that Kay guy conspiring to burn down the entire loft just now."
864 days 13 hours ago
Quentin eyes Uma and Hallidae with even more disgust* “Cell mate? As in like prison cells??! Didn’t  they screen people before they are like hired as a volunteer for this camp? I’m almost certain you are a 12 year old.” *he points at Uma*

*Kay groans at Jay who takes the beans from him* “But bro, I’m starving. Though I suppose I could fuel my system with some beer!” *he pats Jay on the back* “Smart thinking bro!”
864 days 13 hours ago
(Hey guys I am at dinner now for my grandmother birthday so I will be back on after)
864 days 13 hours ago
*Lennie looks over at Kay*
"Omg do you think he would like, be into me? 👉👈 I could change him..."


Ronnie starts dancing in the middle of the cabin. Cause she's drunk. It's like the middle of the day.
864 days 13 hours ago
Before Hallidae can awkwardly enjoy her lollipop, she snaps her head at Quentin.
"Mxcuuuuuse? LISTEN, it was MY equipment. I was just TAKING it back without their knowledge. And what's with the age-shaming? My sister Urna is a gorgeous young woman with a BRIGHT future ahead of her."


Mikko lets out a shriek as his Grindr toyboy hasn't responded to him in the span of the last 30 seconds, before looking at Lennie.
"Why don't you just go talk to him if you're so interested in THAT type of person?"
864 days 13 hours ago
Uma just blinks at Hallidae. "he's in the kitchen..." She sits back up and turns to Quentin. "Oh my mom threatened bodily harm if I didn't get hired.... that was all against my will too like I'm a victim..." She frowns.


Jay nods. "You're welcome! But maybe take it easy? You don't want to be hung over tomorrow"

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