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Big Brother Rookies Game #227047



3 hours


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53 min


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20 days
30 days 3 hours ago
goomybear40 points Champion
Yonaka20 points
+1 points
Yonaka 30 days 14 hours ago
This was largely inactive so happy the actives got to the top of the game. I had one f2 and stuck by it. I did make f3/f4 deals with others which I also stuck by.


9th - Poet - you were inactive! Hope you get to play one of these and it actually fills up one day. 

8th - Rose! Robbed queen wish you stayed on. Not 8th here and hunger i-

7th - Hoheyslay - I tried to ask who you were / but we didn’t really talk at all so you were my target here. Had no clue what you’d do if you were hoh

6th - Geo - sorry for using veto. It was a struggle on who to use it on. I just felt bad for using Yander as a pawn. I did save you.

5th - I evicted you against Geo because I made a deal with Geo, and my hands were tied at f5 when you were up against my f2. We didn’t have any deals in this game. You’re my friend, but I voted how I voted based on the game and not anything other than that. Please don’t take that personally.

4th - Yander - I saved you after I put you up as I felt bad and ya know it was fun to play after so long. Hope you understood why I took my f2. I had to remain loyal. King

3rd - Boys - you kept messaging me to save ya and you weren’t even up! You were lowkey robbed of finals. I had to take goomy as we had a deal and I wanted to remain loyal. Vote for who you think played best :)

Good luck goomy. Another f2 for us. 🩵
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 14 hours ago
thanks for being a loyal ally. but also thanks to everyone here everyone was loyal and it made the end game hard for all of us
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 14 hours ago
ummmm TMI lol
+1 points
Yonaka 30 days 15 hours ago
I’ll do mine soon
Sorry I had to get off quickly!
+0 points
Yandereboy12 30 days 15 hours ago
I didn't think I had to ask goomy but whatever
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 15 hours ago
Well this was an odd game with so many inactives. I made a final 2 with Yonaka right when I entered they asked so I said yes. 1 HOH and 2 POV I think

9th: Inactive but congrats on jury

8th: inactive most of the game and I saved you until I couldn’t next to an active

7th: Hohey: GG! But this vote was against you and I couldn’t really stop it. Congrats on a good game though.

6th: Geoo well it came down to it and I got this HOH and just had been talking to the others more. We have had our checkered past but I had a deal with boys to make up a bad game to him so I couldn’t put him up. And yonaka was my final 2.

5th: Jone: well sorry for the renom but as I said I owed boys loyalty and had a secured your safety.

3/4th: Yander: I hope you aren’t actually upset. I know pawns can go wrong (ask boys I got it wrong last game) but you were the safest person for me to put up and I thought because we were friends you would get it. I didn’t see your message saying not to put you up until I had locked so yonaka saved you. I think you are a great player and knew either way you would stay.

3rd/4th: Boys: Well I am happy we played  a loyal game and we both got to payouts.
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 15 hours ago
and i love jon, but yonaka asked me so I couldnt make another final 2. I dont play that way.
+0 points
boysofsummer2005 30 days 15 hours ago
Wait a sec… What am I? Chopped liver?
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 15 hours ago
i mean you never asked me to be fair
+0 points
Yandereboy12 30 days 15 hours ago
I thought I was gonna be goomys f2 when I joined lol but eh
+0 points
boysofsummer2005 30 days 15 hours ago
That’s why I thought I’d go up at 5
+0 points
boysofsummer2005 30 days 15 hours ago
Goom this entire game I thought Jon was your F2
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 15 hours ago
I secured your safety before nomming you. and yonaka asked if they could veto you and I said yes.
+0 points
goomybear 30 days 15 hours ago
im confused too yander

1st place!!


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    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH boysofsummer2005 has nominated alex_naf and Kevin1
    2. Day1 POV joneduardo didn't save anybody from the block
    3. Day1 Participants evicted alex_naf
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    5. Day2 POV joneduardo didn't save anybody from the block
    6. Day2 Participants evicted yellowplums2
    7. Day3 HOH boysofsummer2005 has nominated Kevin1 and mariusstar
    8. Day3 POV goomybear didn't save anybody from the block
    9. Day3 Participants evicted Kevin1
    10. Day4 HOH Yandereboy12 has nominated mariusstar and Poeterio
    11. Day4 POV Hoheyslay didn't save anybody from the block
    12. Day4 Participants evicted mariusstar
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    14. Day5 POV Hoheyslay didn't save anybody from the block
    15. Day5 Participants evicted Poeterio
    16. Day6 HOH goomybear has nominated Hoheyslay and Pegasus1234
    17. Day6 Participants evicted Pegasus1234
    18. Day7 HOH Yonaka has nominated Yandereboy12 and Hoheyslay
    19. Day7 Participants evicted Hoheyslay
    20. Day8 HOH goomybear has nominated Geoo and Yandereboy12
    21. Day8 POV Yonaka has saved Yandereboy12 from the block
    22. Day8 HOH goomybear has selected final nominees joneduardo and Geoo
    23. Day8 Participants evicted Geoo
    24. Day9 HOH Yandereboy12 has nominated Yonaka and goomybear
    25. Day9 POV Yonaka has saved Yonaka from the block
    26. Day9 HOH Yandereboy12 has selected final nominees joneduardo and goomybear
    27. Day9 Participants evicted joneduardo
    28. Day10 HOH Yonaka has nominated Yandereboy12 and boysofsummer2005
    29. Day10 POV Yonaka has selected: 3rd boysofsummer2005 and 4th Yandereboy12, now jury must select the winner
    30. Day11 Jury has selected goomybear as the winner