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Big Brother Rookies Game #227043



13 min


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1 day
18 days 11 hours ago
Scooby6940 points Champion
WrathOfKon30 points
+0 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago

This was a wild Game for me 4 POVs and most in the clutchest times when I'd likely have gone home. There were a few standout moments I feel where I was able to stick around because of my social game and play.

9th. Lady: I did vote you out here. I constantly am wanting to go far with you but at this point I was trying to get Goo, Regi and Cannon to work together as a bottom who could flip this house around.

8th. Reginald: Similar to lady it was between you and cannonical and Goo and myself seemed closer to cannonical so I voted to keep cannon incase power shifted and the house could flip.

7th. Goo: This was one of my vulnerable times. Even though I tried to be a good sport to batman and tell them Babygirl won POV we still got nommed for flushes. I did ask Babygirl to keep noms the same because I felt I had the social capital to stay. When I didnt use my first POV it was to build trust with BBChristain and I feel that play that sent another POV threat Jengaged home secured my safety here and also allowed me the POV window to make it to the end.

6th. Cannonical: I TRIED SO HARD TO KEEP U HERE! I was messaging babygirl to vote out christian since he and batman seemed like a clear F2 and he was getting plussed a ton for HOH. I failed to keep you safe here

5th. Babygirl1991: We worked so well together this game. Thank you for trusting me a few times and thank you for voting for me to stay against goo. I was sad to see you go here and I think Christian and Batman made a mistake in letting you go. I think if you stayed Batman wins HOH and could win a jury vote. I voted to evict you here because I felt Scooby was my best chance at winning in the F2 and that they'd vote her out.

4th. BBChristain: A social king!!! I am so amazed at how you made F4 while having the same Avi as another. Such a clear F2 but never evicted just shows your social power in this game. Well played!!! F5 HOH Screwed.

3rd. Batman: Like Christain you were such a great social player. I was happy working with you loosely but I cant lie and not act like I was trying to get you out the last few rounds.

2nd. Scooby!!!!!!!! WE MADE IT!!!!
+1 points
Scooby69 18 days 15 hours ago
9-lady i’m so sorry but you never message ne. Hopefully we can change that and work together next game♥️
8-reginald you nommed me first
7-goomy i was working with you but had stronger relationships
6-cannonical same as goomy i’m sorry
5 ♥️bestie . I hope you are happy with payouts since it was your idea to join
4-you slayed♥️
3-thanks for having my back♥️
2-wrath congratulations thanks for saving me and plussing for Hoh
+1 points
AxKxAxBatman 18 days 15 hours ago
grats guys on finals :) gl
+1 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago
179. It sucked for me
+1 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago
Tributes up soon!!!
+1 points
AxKxAxBatman 18 days 15 hours ago
what was your score btw kon i thought i did decent lol
+1 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago
Batman gets 3rd then
+3 points
BBChristian 18 days 15 hours ago
Give Batman 3rd
+2 points
AxKxAxBatman 18 days 15 hours ago
grats scooby on hoh and kon on veto <3
+1 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago
Oh wow Did not see that vote going that way. Any preference on 3rd?
+2 points
BBChristian 18 days 15 hours ago
GG guys
+1 points
WrathOfKon 18 days 15 hours ago
18 days 15 hours ago
babygirl199121 points OUT
+0 points
AxKxAxBatman 18 days 15 hours ago
thats not what cannoical said lol

1st place!!


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    Game Story

    1. Day1 HOH Cannonical has nominated ytrewq111 and Sarah48
    2. Day1 POV Jengaged has saved ytrewq111 from the block
    3. Day1 HOH Cannonical has selected final nominees LadyPinkChannel and Sarah48
    4. Day1 Participants evicted Sarah48
    5. Day2 HOH Scooby69 has nominated Jengaged and ytrewq111
    6. Day2 POV Jengaged has saved Jengaged from the block
    7. Day2 HOH Scooby69 has selected final nominees Cannonical and ytrewq111
    8. Day2 Participants evicted ytrewq111
    9. Day3 HOH BBChristian has nominated Cannonical and Jengaged
    10. Day3 POV WrathOfKon didn't save anybody from the block
    11. Day3 Participants evicted Jengaged
    12. Day4 HOH reginald has nominated alex_naf and goomybear
    13. Day4 POV goomybear has saved goomybear from the block
    14. Day4 HOH reginald has selected final nominees Scooby69 and alex_naf
    15. Day4 Participants evicted alex_naf
    16. Day5 HOH Scooby69 has nominated reginald and LadyPinkChannel
    17. Day5 POV AxKxAxBatman didn't save anybody from the block
    18. Day5 Participants evicted LadyPinkChannel
    19. Day6 HOH BBChristian has nominated goomybear and Cannonical
    20. Day6 POV goomybear has saved goomybear from the block
    21. Day6 HOH BBChristian has selected final nominees reginald and Cannonical
    22. Day6 Participants evicted reginald
    23. Day7 HOH AxKxAxBatman has nominated goomybear and WrathOfKon
    24. Day7 POV babygirl1991 didn't save anybody from the block
    25. Day7 Participants evicted goomybear
    26. Day8 HOH Scooby69 has nominated WrathOfKon and Cannonical
    27. Day8 POV WrathOfKon has saved WrathOfKon from the block
    28. Day8 HOH Scooby69 has selected final nominees BBChristian and Cannonical
    29. Day8 Participants evicted Cannonical
    30. Day9 HOH BBChristian has nominated WrathOfKon and babygirl1991
    31. Day9 POV WrathOfKon has saved WrathOfKon from the block
    32. Day9 HOH BBChristian has selected final nominees Scooby69 and babygirl1991
    33. Day9 Participants evicted babygirl1991
    34. Day10 HOH Scooby69 has nominated BBChristian and AxKxAxBatman
    35. Day10 POV WrathOfKon has selected: 3rd AxKxAxBatman and 4th BBChristian, now jury must select the winner
    36. Day11 Jury has selected Scooby69 as the winner