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The x_Susie_x's blog

Posts 7 posts

2nd game...Not so good!!! Oct 27, 2009
I honestly think that because I really enjoyed my last game, my next one was never going to live up to it! So I came 20th! I just didn't get into it...Do other people find that? xxx
Points: 17 2 comments
Final 6 Oct 25, 2009
Wow I'm in the final 6! I'm so happy to be there with the other people left! They're all lovely :)

I am up for eviction again though and this time its just me against the lovely Lewis! So its going to be tough. But I think it would be tough at this stage whoever you're up against as you grow close to everyone!
Our game rocks! xxx
Points: 11 4 comments
Hi Everyboby! Oct 23, 2009
Wow I can't get over the time differences of the diverse tengaged world! So its nearly midday here in the UK...What time is it where you are?

Points: 6 1 comments
Oh noo! Oct 22, 2009
I have been up for nomination twice now! I survived the first time and fingers crossed I will survive today too!

Its stressful!

I like those little challenges but obviously my scores aren't amazing! Any tips? Argh!

Thanks for reading...I gotta say I am really enjoying tengaged! xxx
Points: 9 4 comments
First Day Nearly Over :) Oct 20, 2009
So although my tengaged day still has 7 hours left, it is not half 8 in the evening in my real life day!
I seem to have a really nice bunch of people in my game. So a good first experience!
Can i just say - I LOVED that lil competition - Deal or No Deal! It was so much fun and I was pretty happy with my score...£90000 winnings in real life would be fabbb!
I think it will be interesting to see who is up for eviction - at this stage everyone seems nice!

I'll try and write some more tomorrow! x
Points: 22 2 comments
First Day in Tengaged... Oct 20, 2009
So today is my first day in a Tengaged game...I love Big Brother so I'm hoping it is similar! I wonder if there are game players and fakeness though?! I hope not! I'm going to just be myself and hopefully that is enough!!

I'm going to write as often as I can to update you all! Thanks for reading and please comment...

Question of the day!!! - Whats your favourite day of the week??? Let me know!!
Points: 25 10 comments