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Oh, you know...

Posts 34 posts

My first rookies!... didn't go too well. Dec 27, 2009
Haha. So I just absolutely lost my first rookies. It's my own fault though, so whatever. At least no-one bet on me. Haha. I really suck. :)
Points: 38 4 comments
So Anyway... Christmas. Dec 24, 2009
I just had a very enlightening converasion with a person in one of my casting games. He's from the Phillipines and celebrates christmas very differently from the Western observation of christmas. He says that they have street parties and fireworks. I thought it was very interesting. So I wonder, what other christmas traditions do people have?

The most I can say for my familily's traditions for christmas is that we always have Oyster Soup on Christmas Eve (Which I am very much looking foreward to) and a fake christmas tree. We used to live on a farm and could easily have grown our own christmas trees, but my mom is allergic to pine trees, so we've always used a fake one.

So, what are your christmas traditions? At least whether you use a real tree or a fake one. :)
Points: 5 1 comments
Im back... Dec 19, 2009
I know no-one knows me, so I guess it'd be as much "welcome" as "welcome back". I thought I quit tengaged, but I guess not. And as per usual (Unless things have changed) no-one is going to see this, or at least its gonna get negged once or theres gonna be spam. But spam away! Need a design plussed, Im in a good mood, so whatever. I guess I'm just blogging to say Im back... whoever cares. XP
Points: 13 1 comments
This is so dumb. Oct 21, 2009
Seriously people? In my last 2 games, inactive people did better than I did. Thats so stupid. People claim that they're on here to make friends and have fun. You can ask anyone in my last two games if I posted a lot, I did. I was active. Its no wonder that games in the final five are pretty much dead. All the active people keep getting out ASAP.

Thats it. I'm taking a break from this site, (More or less because I have to) and in about a week or two, I'll try two more games. If I get out before inactives twice, I'm gonna quit.

I know its unlikely, but these games suck if you do better by not even being on than you do if you actually even bother to play. Even when I do post, people just neg it. I looked up info on the algorithim, and it looks like with one neg, I can pretty much kiss any bonus on the next comp goodbye, cuz theres no way I'm getting enough +es to even that out.

And its not like I'd know if theyve changed that because there's no page with the rules. Oh, and don't even think of being the one to help out a newbie in a game. You'll get outed for that too.

Overall, this site is looking like a stinking pile. Maybe the other games work well, but I'll never know because I'll never get above 18th in a game if I bother to play. At least not without a Premade.
Points: 4 4 comments
Hey! Someone told me something about myself that I didn't know! Oct 17, 2009
Apparently I'm racist! Im the game I just joined a lot of people already think I'm a racist. (Also apparenly IM the one who's judgemental, lol). Goodness, you make one black joke and everyone jumps down your throat, Lol. So lets chalk this one up as a loss? What do you think?
Points: 12 2 comments
Maybe he should be aborted... 0_o Oct 16, 2009
I'll just let the Chat in Drench v. Skeeet speak for itself.

VictorOxila: GarretStryker should be aborted

GarretStryker "VictorOxila: GarretStryker should be aborted" Lmao look who doesn't know what abortion is.

wettwilly10: Abort can be used in various situations Garret...

GarretStryker: "wettwilly10: Abort can be used in various situations Garret..." Too bad it's all murder.

wettwilly10 Garret, have you ever heard the phrase in a sci-fi movie "MISSION FAILED! ABORT, ABORT!" ? Or seen on your computer, "To abort this function press ctrl+alt+del again"?

wettwilly10: Abort: To terminate a procedure prematurely <The pilot decided to abort due to mechanical difficulties>

So... anyone read any good dictionaries lately? I need some suggested reading for this guy I know.
Points: 9 1 comments