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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Mole Business!

Sep 27, 2008 by totallymicheal
Just to let you know; I have NOT chosen the mole yet, so if you'd like to.. please send me a message on whether you'd like to be the mole or not.. I would'nt want to choose a person who doesn't want to be the mole..
Just a reminder the mole will be recieving all the mission's answers, to help them on sabatoging.. They will also know who is going to be executed in advance; and will be told all of the clues that i will post, or say, or do to help all of the REST of the cast on the mole's whereabouts. GoodLuck, WHO IS THE MOLE?


ok cool did u choose players yet if not id love to play
Sent by justindude,Sep 27, 2008
whos is the mole nobody knows
Sent by Darren,Sep 27, 2008
The mole is Bowler23
Sent by swatza,Sep 28, 2008
what the hell is this mole thingy?
Sent by rippyroo,Sep 28, 2008
it sounds good
Sent by rippyroo,Sep 28, 2008
id love to play aswell
Sent by rippyroo,Sep 28, 2008
im not the mole! im not even playing this, that would be a twist! lol
Sent by Bowler23,Sep 28, 2008
omg bowlers the mole i win
Sent by Darren,Sep 28, 2008

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