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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

to Timster's blog

Jul 12, 2013 by tommyboy614
Timster i am so happy for you posting that blog, Aaryn is just a disgusting human. i feel like she is trying to be a villian or something. I'm so happy Candice stood up for herself! Aaryn is just too out of hand, i mean if she said it like once....fine but its like an everyday thing. I seriously hope that the CUNT Aaryn is evicted this week or EXPELLED from the game because she is just a waste of a contestant imo



Calling someone a cunt doesnt exactly make you a better person.

Even if she is say someone is disgusting and then call them something disgusting 3 lines later is kinda laughable.
Sent by The_Domany,Jul 12, 2013
Yeah, some people may not understand it and are just like LOL FIGHT FIGHT. But if you saw the WHOLE entire thing last night, nothing about it was funny at all. And it disgusts me people on here think it's funny to support her, like this isn't even Big Brother anymore.. the game got personal and it shouldn't be that way.

Jun Song made a blog and admitted she started crying at one point. But this will follow Aaryn around for years to come when she leaves the house so it is all good < 3. I just have to remember that.
Sent by Timster,Jul 12, 2013
The_Domany yea i guess u have a point i am no better for calling her a cunt. but im sure u can agree with me that some of the comments Aaryn has made are outta line.
Sent by tommyboy614,Jul 12, 2013
Timster yea it really did get personal. i dont have the feeds so i didnt see the whole fight, but just by that clip alone you posted was just ridiculous. and yea the people who like them only like the drama. its like okay Aaryn u can have ur opinion but sometimes it just shouldnt be said. and yea she pretty much is fucking herself for life, so i hope she enjoys her 3 months of fame
Sent by tommyboy614,Jul 12, 2013

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