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Season 2 Brantsteele Simulator Results

Feb 12, 2015 by titanium162
Thanks to all who signed up!
Week #1:
Head of Household: LacrosseAllStar
Initial Nominees: semajdude and mman23
Veto Players: LacrosseAllStar, semajdude, mman23, IceIceBaby, Devin withparasites, LoopyCoco1
Veto Winner: semajdude
Veto Used: Yes on semajdude
Replacement: IceIceBaby
Final Nominees: IceIceBaby and mman23
Evicted: IceIceBaby [8-3]

Week #2:
Head of Household: garrett dorman198
Initial Nominees: LacrosseAllStar and mman23
Veto Players: garrett dorman198, LacrosseAllStar, mman23, ElectricLove, dsradine, Devin withparasites
Veto Winner: LacrosseAllStar
Veto Used: Yes on LacrosseAllStar
Replacement: ElectricLove
Final Nominees: ElectricLove and mman23
Evicted: mman23 [5-5]

Week #3:
Head of Household: Johneh
Initial Nominees: dsradine and ElectricLove
Veto Players: Johneh, dsradine, ElectricLove, garrett dorman198, Macda27, LoopyCoco1
Veto Winner: Johneh
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: dsradine and ElectricLove
Evicted: dsradine [6-3]

Week #4:
Head of Household: LacrosseAllStar
Initial Nominees: semajdude and Devin withparasites
Veto Players: LacrosseAllStar, semajdude, Devin withparasites, domarco15, Johneh, LoopyCoco1
Veto Winner: domarco15
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: semajdude and Devin withparasites
Evicted: Devin withparasites [5-3]

Week #5:
Head of Household: LoopyCoco1
Initial Nominees: CShizz96 and Johneh
Veto Players: LoopyCoco1, CShizz96, Johneh, garrett dorman198, LacrosseAllStar, ElectricLove
Veto Winner: LoopyCoco1
Veto Used: Yes on CShizz96
Replacement: EliotWhi
Final Nominees: EliotWhi and Johneh
Evicted: Johneh [6-1]

Week #6:
Head of Household: Macda27
Initial Nominees: CShizz96 and semajdude
Veto Players: Macda27, CShizz96, semajdude, domarco15, ElectricLove, garrett dorman198
Veto Winner: garrett dorman198
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: CShizz96 and semajdude
Evicted: CShizz96 [3-3]

Fast Forward:
Head of Household: EliotWhi
Initial Nominees: LoopyCoco1 and domarco15
Veto Players: EliotWhi, LoopyCoco1, domarco15, LacrosseAllStar, ElectricLove, Macda27
Veto Winner: EliotWhi
Veto Used: Yes on LoopyCoco1
Replacement: semajdude
Final Nominees: semajdude and domarco15
Evicted: semajdude [3-2]

Week #7:
Head of Household: domarco15
Initial Nominees: ElectricLove and EliotWhi
Veto Players: domarco15, ElectricLove, EliotWhi, LacrosseAllStar, LoopyCoco1, Macda27
Veto Winner: LoopyCoco1
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: ElectricLove and EliotWhi
Evicted: EliotWhi [3-1]

Week #8:
Head of Household: LoopyCoco1
Initial Nominees: LacrosseAllStar and domarco15
Veto Players: LoopyCoco1, LacrosseAllStar, domarco15, ElectricLove, Macda27, garrett dorman198
Veto Winner: garrett dorman198
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: LacrosseAllStar and domarco15
Evicted: LacrosseAllStar [2-1]

Week #9:
Head of Household: garrett dorman198
Initial Nominees: domarco15 and ElectricLove
Veto Players: garrett dorman198, domarco15, ElectricLove, LoopyCoco1, Macda27
Veto Winner: garrett dorman198
Veto Used: No
Replacement: No one
Final Nominees: domarco15 and ElectricLove
Evicted: domarco15 [2-0]

Week #10:
Head of Household: Macda27
Initial Nominees: ElectricLove and garrett dorman198
Veto Players: Macda27, ElectricLove, garrett dorman198, LoopyCoco1
Veto Winner: garrett dorman198
Veto Used: Yes on garrett dorman198
Replacement: LoopyCoco1
Final Nominees: ElectricLove and LoopyCoco1
Evicted: ElectricLove [1-0]

Final HoH:
Part 1 Winner: LoopyCoco1
Part 2 Winner: Macda27
Part 3 Winner: LoopyCoco1
Nominees: Macda27 and garrett dorman198
Evicted: garrett dorman198 [1-0]

Finalists: LoopyCoco1 and Macda27
Winner: LoopyCoco1 [4-3]
America's Favorite: LacrosseAllStar


I asked to be on here but okay
Sent by XxLoveWakizaxX,Feb 12, 2015
Me: "I hope I get Jury"
*Watches Veto ceremony*
*Jaw drops when Renommed*
Me: "It's alright, I'll probably be saved"
*Collapses to the floor when I'm first out*
Sent by IceIceBaby,Feb 12, 2015
XxLoveWakizaxX  I don't see where you posted on the signup blog....  Sorry if I messed it up, I can add you to the next one to make up for it :(
Sent by titanium162,Feb 12, 2015
i was such a controversial player
i think i deserve all star status if u do one titanium162
Sent by semajdude,Feb 12, 2015
Me and Loopy and f2

We are best friends on tengaged lol
Sent by Macda27,Feb 12, 2015
I didn't win, we both won!
Sent by LoopyCoco1,Feb 12, 2015
semajdude  I probably will
Sent by titanium162,Feb 12, 2015
CShizz96 votes to evict dsradine. dsradine #RIPDamian
Sent by C_Shizz96,Feb 12, 2015

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