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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

@epstars Survivor

Sep 15, 2012 by theBRIflyingdude
I am writing this blog for the immunity challenge and to reflect on my journey to the final five. 've had an amazing time so far. This being my first Survivor Group Game, I am honored to play with a great cast and awesome Admin.

In the beginning of the game, I tried to make as many connections as possible to ensure my safety. Throughout all the tribe switches, I was able to keep my alliances and stay strong to ultimatly make it to the merge. Before the merge, I only went to Tribal Council 2 or 3 times. I contributed to almost every immunity challenge during teams and i think this helped my game a lot. My biggest move this whole game was probably blind siding Magick. I felt like if she had not gone, she would be here in the final 5.

During the merge, I have kept sort of a low profile. I made as many immunity challenges I could, which were not a lot. My first individual win was last week. It was awesome. I felt like I could have gone home a lot during the past 5 weeks. I have gained more confidence each week I stayed.

Now that I'm in Final 5, I can see the finals! I would love to make it because it would be a great way to top off such a great survivor expierence.

What i liked most about this game was the Admin, epstar. I know this may sound like I'm being a kiss up, but I'm not. He truly is a great person to run the game. He actually comes up with GOOD challenges, has some good twists, keeps the game active and so much more! I would totally play another group game of his if given the chance.

GoodLuck to all the other members of the Final 5 and Congrats, We did it!

Please pluss and comment!


i got 6th :(
Sent by brenelle1120,Sep 15, 2012

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