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SurvivorPika99's Epic Blog

Posts 120 posts

Getting a VERY Important Video ready for you guys! Jul 1, 2011
So for you guys, when this video uploads, I will post it here for you guys to read, but I WILL SAY THIS: The video has information regarding Tengaged, my Let's Plays(Which are basically walkthroughs of video games because I love video games), Let's Draws(Me drawing on my computer basically, because I like drawing), and Otakon 2011(self explanitory!). So you better watch the video because IT IS IMPORTANT! Thank you.
Points: 20 1 comments
About Me & Group Games*VERY IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!* Jun 25, 2011
I think that after 2 group games I'm in are finished(Cmack's Survivor: Tengaged Rules & Tykeal's Mario Party), I am going to break from tengaged games because if I did another group, it will interfere with important stuff in my real life.(EXAMPLE: Me going to Baltimore, Maryland for a convention July 29th-31st) And besides, I need a break from tengaged groups for once in my tengaged life. So after a group I'm in is finished, I am NOT going to accept any more tengaged group invitations ever again. Sorry if you guys wanted me to join your groups, but I will always say no. Maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll give JUST 1 MORE GROUP ONLY another shot, BUT after that, I will NOT JOIN OR APPLY to another group again. So as of the finale of 2 group games I am in, NO ONE SHALL INVITE ME TO ANOTHER GROUP AGAIN. I am very serious about this.(DON'T GO SAYING IT'S FAKE, BECAUSE IT ISN'T. I AM COMPLETELY 100% SERIOUS ABOUT THIS.) So until then, no one else shall invite me to join their group EVER. That is all I have to say for now.
Points: 2 1 comments
HELP ME PEOPLE! Jun 4, 2011
Please go to this blog in the link above and post "SurvivorPika" in the blog! Thank you!
Points: 0 0 comments
Good boy? Yes. Good School Day Today? Yes. Good Memorial Day Weekend? NO! Jun 2, 2011
I'm still a good boy. But my Memorial Day Weekend? NOT SO MUCH. In fact, it was torture for me. I was forced by my dad to go to Reading, Pennsylvania without getting a chance to opt out, forced to spend Sunday AND MONDAY there suffering from torture and rules AND TICKS (reason #10 why Reading, Pennsylvania sucks. Srry to anyone that lives in Reading, Pennsylvania that reads this. AND NO! I AM NOT LYING.), and had to endure sleeping with THE SAME CLOTHES at a house of a family my Dad knows. THANK GOD I GET TO GO HOME FROM READING, PENNSYLVANIA! And school today? ABSOLUTELY FREAKING AWESOME!!!! I got a 100% = A+ on a mathematics quiz that I didn't even want to take, finished a French technology project(even though I had to do a video portion of the project again) where I had to do a PowerPoint presentation of myself ENTIRELY IN FRENCH. Oh yeah, and I finished a Bell Ringer in language arts where a pair of phrases share a common letter of the alphabet and I had to find the phrases.. It was just for fun though....

Moving on, I saw all 5 Dance Auditions on So You Think You Can Dance season 8(SO HAPPY THAT MARY MURPHY IS BACK! :D) on FoX HD via Comcast(Xfinity). Can't wait to see the winner of season 5 gets to audition again. :3

CORRECTION: It's Jeanine's sister that is auditiong. not Jeanine. Sorry for this error. P.S. Jeanine's sister made it to Vegas! :3
Points: 15 1 comments
2 Polls in 1 Blog for you guys! Jun 2, 2011
In this poll: Help Lapita win the first immunity challenge by going to the link below this sentence and click on Lapita. (Optionally: You can vote for NEITHER. I don't care what button you click on in the poll as long as you vote.) Thank you.
(Spread the word too while your at it and get your friends, competitors, etc. and get them to vote for Lapita! Thanks!)

Second Poll: This poll decides how many people will participate in the first Redemption Island duel. Choose how many people will participate in the first Redemption Island duel by going to the poll below and click on one of the 4 buttons of your choice. Thank you.
Points: 0 0 comments
So You Think You Can Dance - Season 8 Premiere May 27, 2011
Anyone saw the Season 8 Premiere of So You Think You Can Dance last night on FOX?
Points: 18 4 comments