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Posts 395 posts

YAHOO!! Dec 2, 2010
Points: 18 7 comments
In 1 hour! Dec 2, 2010
I'm finally legal <3
Points: 30 3 comments
What should be stopped. Dec 2, 2010
Alliances. Lol
Points: 12 2 comments
AWWW... Dec 2, 2010
I can't sleep :(
Points: 11 1 comments
Hundred questions. :> Dec 2, 2010
Are you scared of creepy creatures? : Err.. That's why it was called creepy. So, yes. Lol

Are you scared of cockroaches? : I don't wanna say scared but I sure as hell don't want them touching me or get near me. EVER. Disgusting. I hate those that fly.

Do you get scared in the dark? : For some reason, yes. But I don't when someone's with me. :)

What is your favorite day of the week? : Saturday. <3

Your dream car : One of those flying cars from Blade Runner! :)

Your dream vacation : Europe <3

In your next birth, you would love to be : A billionaire. :D

In your past birth, you must have been : A human.

Your favorite pizza topping is : Cheeese. :P

How many kids do you want to have? : 3.

Last TV channel you watched : Disney Channel.

What are you wearing right now? : T-shirt, shorts, undies, slippers, hair band and glasses. 8)

What do you wear at night in bed? : Anything comfy.

Your favorite toy in childhood : I don't remember.

How many teeth do you have? : Is this your way of asking me to get myself to the mirror? Lol. I'm really not sure but I guess I have 28 :))

When did you last visit the dentist? : Last month.

Which toothpaste do you use? : Colgate.

Your preferred toilet paper brand : Wtf?

Three things you can't live without : Air, food and water. :P

If you had one person to take with you on a deserted island, it would be : Santa Claus.

Your dream celebrity date : Micky Yoochun <3

Do you believe in aliens? : No.

Do you believe in ghosts and such? : Yes? I haven't seen one, though.

Favorite cocktail : I actually don't take a shot of alcoholic mixed drinks. So, none. :)

Favorite fruit : Grapes.

Favorite flower : Rose. <3

Have you puked at a party? : Never. That's quite disgusting! :))

You would love to get a tattoo done on your : None.

Have you pretended to be sick to avoid someone or some meeting? : Yea. To avoid talking to someone on the phone.

Do you cry easily? : Depends.

Do you swear a lot? : Kinda?

Favorite body part in the opposite sex : Eyes.

Corniest pickup line used by you on someone : Idk. Lol

Corniest pickup line someone used on you : I've heard a lot and I can't pick the corniest :))

Have you ever been caught in an embarrassing situation by your parents? : I guess.

The food you hate to eat : Bangus. Bony much. :|

Your favorite breakfast cereal : Oats. :P

Do you have any pets? : I actually have none but I'm currently looking after my genetics' fruit flies. Our class call them our new pets and they suck :/

If yes, describe your pets : Pesky! Pesky much :|

Which is your favorite holiday? : Christmas. :)

Have you ever been drunk out of your mind? : No.

Ever been in a car accident? : Twice.

The boy band you secretly listen to : There are few.

The body part you would love to get pierced : Ears. Lol

When did you last diet to lose weight? : Never tried. Never had to. :P

What is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? : Open my eyes. :D

Do you read newspapers or books in the toilet? : Books. Rarely.

Are you in love with someone these days? : Yes! <3

Would you date a hottie who is totally dumb? : No. :/

Has anyone slapped you on the face? : Yes. More than once. In jest. :P

What is the color of the underwear you are wearing? : Bit personal, ain't it?

Which is your favorite underwear brand? : Omg O.O

What is your favorite denim brand? : So far, I have no favorite. As long as it looks nice and affordable, I don't miss to grab it :)

If you could afford a fashion designer, it would be : The world's best designer!

Your first cell phone was : Nokia 3350. It was first used by my dad :D

Do you prefer to text or talk on the phone? : Depends.

Are you a sensitive person? : Yes.

Would you go for a one night stand? : Of course not.

The romantic movie you like most : Lotss.

The action movie you like most : Lotss.

Do you believe in heaven and hell? : Yes?

Which is your most memorable trip with friends? : Lotss. <3

Which newspaper do you read daily? : I don't read newspapers.

The magazines you like to read : Anything interesting and controversial :D

Your first job was : To give my mom a massage everytime she gets home. I'm really not good at it, though. And it was a non-wage job. :|

Did you have a best friend in school? : Yes.

Which email service do you use most? : Yahoo.

Have you ever walked to save money? : Yes! Lol

Where do you shop for clothes? : Mall.

What was your pocket money as a kid? : 20. :D

Can you talk to someone for long hours on the phone? : Yes. I've done that a lot of times. :D

Do you like taking stupid surveys like these? : When I'm the mood :D

If yes, do you have too much free time? : Yes.

One memory you wish you could erase : A lot :|

Any sport, you are really good at : Badminton. Swimming. Not so good, though. I'm bad at ALMOST ALL sports I've tried. Shaaame :|

In your purse, you keep a photo of : Me and my boyfie <3

Do you take any medicine daily? : No.

Have you ever lied about your age? : Never.

The last person you kissed was : My sister. <3

The last country you visited : I've never been out of the Phil. :D

Do you need music while you are studying? : Depends.

A song you loved as a kid : I don't remember.

Any kiddie song you still remember : There are few.

Habits you hate in others : Smoking habits. Nailbiting. Spitting. Anddd, pick it, lick it, roll it, flick it. If you know what I mean. Lol. So disgusting. And a lot more :D

On a scale of one to ten how obnoxious is this survey? : 9?

One habit of yours, you wish you could change? : Saying bad words :|

Do you brush twice a day? : Yes.

How much time do you take to get ready in the morning? : An hour and a half.

Are you a day person or a night person? : Depends.

Your favorite cartoon character : Bubbles from PPG.

Have you made a complete fool of yourself anytime? : No.

Any word or sentence you repeat often : Shit.

Describe your computer monitor : Why?

One book you are dying to read : None. I don't die for books. Lol

One movie you are dying to see : Same thing as books.

One music album you are dying to hear : Again, same as the books. Sheesh

How much time did you take to complete this survey? : Quite a while.

Don't you think it was really stupid? : Gaad! Who even made this test!
Points: 31 9 comments