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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Old geezers... *sigh*

Mar 31, 2013 by staymellow
So yesterday I was driving through my neighborhood, a super calm place, very peaceful, and I am making a right turn when a lady walk with her husband yells out "HEY". I pause for a bit thinking something was wrong and I turn around to check out what and as I turn my head around the lady screams "SLOW DOOOOWN!. So I just think "Pssshhh, are you kidding me!" and I drive off and I see the sassy lady in my rear view mirror throwing her saggy old arms up in disgust. I was driving maybe 30-35 in a 25 zone. And don't get me wrong I have had the greatest amount of respect for old people up until yesterday. I always thought they were the heroes while they took on those punks that you see in the youtube videos causing trouble. I still do think they are the heroes cause I know me and them agree on much. However, that incident just made me feel for the first ever time that sometimes they're just grumpy, dried out old cunts that have nothing better to do than to screw with others' youth. Maybe it's just them doing their job and maybe we will have to fill in the same role when we get older. I feel I probably should have yelled back sorry and drove at a slower pace after now reflecting back on it, but whatever, screw her, I'm not going to waste anymore of my thoughts on her.

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