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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BB 14 Recap

Sep 18, 2011 by spycoder9
On the first week of Big Brother 14 - Newbies, Tommy Wilder won the Head of Household competition and became a front runner competitor. He began a legendary showmance with Amanda Peak, and planned to backdoor Gayle Hardie. But surprisingly, everyone in the house voted for Debbie Smart. The African American beauty was the first to leave the house.

On the second week, alliances came into shape. The twin brothers, Lance and Drake Avans, along with Sarah Cast, joined with Brittany Franks. Brittany made her name in the game when she verbally attacked Donny Lee for making stupid moves already in the game. Tommy Wilder and his showmance partner Amanda Peak paired up with Ashley Carmichael, Eddie Haynes, and Carl Parker.

Donny Lee won Head of Household and nominated Tommy Wilder and Ashley Carmichael. At the Power of Veto ceremony, Amanda Peak won. Expected to take Tommy off the block, she spoke with Brittany Franks. Convinced that her game would go better if Tommy left, Amanda betrayed her showmance partner. Tommy Wilder became the second person evicted from the Big Brother house.

On the third week, Amanda Peak won Head of Household. As her and Brittany Franks become growing powers in the house, the twin brothers break off their alliance with Brittany and team up with Cane Godsby and Eddie Haynes. Brittany and Amanda stay with Sarah, who gets the scoop on the new “Brolliance”. Amanda nominated Lance Avans and Donny Lee.

At the POV Competition, Amanda finds herself in a sticky situation. Donny Lee manages to win, and forces Amanda to nominate one of her other mutual enemies, Gayle Hardie. At the Eviction Ceremony, Amanda makes a split decision in which she has to evict someone. She evicts Gayle, who has been her number one target since day one.

That leaves us with the following houseguests. . .

Amanda Peak - the beautiful accountant
Sarah Cast - the shy lawyer
Brittany Franks - the tattoo artist
Carl Parker - a lazy stay at home dad
Donny Lee - the mailman
Lance Avans - the smart twin
Drake Avans - the athletic twin
Eddie Haynes - the zoologist
Cane Godsby - the wannabe actor
Ashley Carmichael - the ditzy rich girl

The Evicted. . .

13th Debbie Smart - A bodacious mother
12th Tommy Wilder - A businessman
11th Gayle Hardie - A waitress at a club

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