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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother What If #1

12thJul 16, 2019 by sportsgeek12
What if Rockstar never helped Tyler in the OTEV Competition

Tyler would have stood in front of OTEV with the wrong answer

Haleigh would have thrown the POV to Rockstar and she takes herself off the block. Kaycee becomes the replacement nominee and Angela and Kaycee are the final noms because Tyler uses his Cloud App after fears of being backdoored.

The votes to evict are as follows
Fess gets his vote cancelled out by Kaycee: We will assume she stills decides to cancel Fess's vote but would have voted Angela out

Brett: Angela
Tyler: Angela (Yes, Tyler keeps his Final 2 deal with Kaycee)
Scottie: Kaycee
Rockstar: Kaycee
Sam: Kaycee
JC: Angela
Haleigh breaks the tie and sends Angela home

We'll assume Fess still wins the slip and slide HOH but this time there's no 1 vote to keep Rockstar non sense so Fess nominates Brett and Tyler and we will assume that Brett still wins the Hide and Go Veto and takes himself off the block. So the Renom is Sam and the Final Noms this round are Tyler and Sam

Votes Go as follows
Haleigh: Tyler
Kaycee: Sam
Rockstar: Tyler
Scottie: Tyler 
JC: Sam
Brett: Sam
Fess breaks the tie and sends Tyler home

FINAL 8 Part 1
The Sweet Shot HOH: Kaycee wins because Angela and Tyler are no longer there and nominates Fess and Haleigh because they are the two responsible for sending her 2 closest allies out of the game. Kaycee still wins the POV that week and decides not to use it keeping Fess and Haleigh as the Final Nominees

Votes go as follows
Brett: Fess
Rockstar: Fess
Scottie: Fess
Sam: Fess
JC: Fess

Tyler re enters the game

Tyler still wins the HOH this week and he still nominates Haleigh and Scottie

Also in this sequence a Final 4 "Level 4" alliance is made between Tyler, Brett, Kaycee, and Sam

POV is still won by Kaycee and keeps the nominations the same

Votes go as follows
Rockstar: Scottie
Brett: Scottie
Kaycee: Scottie
Sam: Scottie
JC: Scottie

Tyler re entering the game at this point united the last half of Level 6 and his pretend Final 2 with Sam so Tyler gets the votes to send out Scottie because he fears the mental competitions are coming up and he wanted Scottie out because they got there

Kaycee still beats Brett in the "Shell or Highwater" HOH competition and nominates Haleigh and Rockstar with Haleigh as the target. Kaycee still wins BB Comics and keeps the nominations the same

Votes go as follows
Tyler: Haleigh
Sam: Haleigh
Brett: Haleigh
JC: Haleigh

Tyler still wins the Double Eviction HOH and nominates Rockstar and JC
Tyler wins the POV and removes JC from the block and Brett is the replacement nominee because Tyler sees Brett as his only thing standing in the way of him being in the Final 2 because he is confident that he can beat Sam, JC, and Rockstar moving forward and still trusts his Final 2 with Kaycee

Votes go as follows

Kaycee: Brett
Sam: Brett
JC: Brett

Kaycee wins the HOH competition and puts up Rockstar and JC
Kaycee still wins the POV competiton this round and keeps the nominations the same

Tyler, Sam, and Kaycee think that Rockstar is an easier opponent to beat than JC because despite having a competition win, Haleigh threw it to her.

Tyler and Sam both vote to evict JC

We are down to Tyler, Kaycee, Sam, and Rockstar
Tyler wins the What The Bleep HOH and locks himself into Finale Night
Tyler nominates Kaycee and Rockstar and has plans to take Kaycee out because he sees Kaycee having a better resume than him for the Final 2 because she's getting hot with competition wins. So Tyler tries in the Final POV and wins and keeps the nominations the same and Sam casts the vote to send Kaycee out in 4th Place.

Tyler wins Part 1
Sam wins Part 2
Tyler wins Part 3 and locks himself into the Final 2

Tyler decides to take Sam with him because he sees Rockstar getting a lot of the jury votes and he can say that he honored a Final 2 Deal with Sam on Day 4.

The jury questions Tyler about why they should vote for him despite being evicted from the game already and he talks about how he took advantage of his second chance by winning competitions and his biggest move of the game was that he "got Sam who was his ride or die on Day 4 to take out Kaycee who was big competition for him on the jury despite being his ride or die on Day 2" Spoiler Alert: This line will screw him over

Sam gets questioned on why the jury should vote for her to win and a big response was "I was never evicted from the house, my opponent was"

The Jury has voted
Bayleigh: Sam
Angela: Tyler
Fess: Sam
Scottie: Sam
Haleigh: Tyler
Brett: Tyler
JC: Tyler
Kaycee: Sam (Kaycee exposes Tyler that they made a Final 2 pact on Day 2 at the jury questioning and she is bitter towards Tyler)
Rockstar: Sam

Here is what would have happened if Tyler would have taken Rockstar
Bayleigh: Rockstar
Angela: Tyler
Fess: Rockstar
Scottie: Rockstar
Haleigh: Rockstar
Brett: Tyler
JC: Tyler
Kaycee: Rockstar
Sam: Rockstar

As you can see Tyler taking Sam to the Final 2 over Rockstar was the right call. But what cost him the win was saying that he had formed multiple Final 2's within the first 5 days of the game. "THE HIVE" vote for Rockstar together to make sure a HIVE member won the season. Taking Rockstar to the Final 2 would have did Tyler in because both Kaycee and Sam are both bitter because he didn't keep his word for the Final 2.

And that is what would have happened if Rockstar didn't help Tyler in the OTEV competition



I like the IRL version better because Rockstar is a terrible person
Sent by suit,Jul 16, 2019
actually interesting to think about, i like the blog concept :)
Sent by top20fan33,Jul 16, 2019
This makes no sense. Why would Rockstar & Scottie vote Kaycee if the HoH, and also their ally, Haleigh wanted out Angela?
Sent by immaxyman,Jul 16, 2019
Final 9 why would Fees renom Sam over Kaycee?? 馃 sportsgeek12
Sent by Matthew09,Jul 16, 2019
Tyler wouldnt have gotten rid of kaycee at f4
Sent by Typhlosion37,Jul 16, 2019
This wouldn鈥檛 have happened. Rockstar had no chance.
Sent by WannaBeeFriends,Jul 18, 2019

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