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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I have a few things to say...

Jun 28, 2012 by sjsoccer88
I've been on this site for three years. In these three years, you all have taken joy out of harassing me, making fun of me, and just flat out disrespecting me when I've done nothing but be nice to each and every one of you. Let me tell you something. I, although it took me longer than others, have an actual education. Yes, a degree in fucking psychology.

Tengagers: You people, for some reason, feel that my way of typing is funny, and for some reason insult my intelligence because of it. This is the internet. People type without vowels, with poor grammar, with perfect grammar, etc. If you have a problem with my typing, I suggest you shut your mouths. Half of you are half my age anyways. I am a grown ass woman, I live in my own home, I'm looking for a job - I have better things to worry about than how I type on Tengaged.

You people, for some reason, have also found that my love for animals (specifically bunnies) is funny. When my very own pet (Trouble, yes, remember her?) unfortunately passed away, you all had the nerve to crack jokes about it as if it's something funny. Truly sickening behavior from all of you, to be honest. I would never in my life think that the loss of someone's loved pet is a funny matter. Shame on you all.

After all of the crap that I have swallowed here for three years, I feel that it is time for me to speak up and actually stand up for myself. Maybe I should just be a bitch since I have nothing to lose? Maybe I'll be liked then, since people only seem to just love others that are mean and hateful. No more nice Megan. Heck, actually, I'll still be nice - that is just my natural personality, unlike some of you who find attacking people and belittling them is funny or "cool" to do.


Sent by TheGoodMan,Jun 28, 2012
no one likes you
Sent by chelss,Jun 28, 2012
you've never talked to me, so i can't really agree with all of that
Sent by MickJagger,Jun 28, 2012
no one likes you
Sent by mattygeee,Jun 28, 2012
Awh love you even if I don't know you that well I've always wanted to know you (:
Sent by TaylorStLouis,Jun 28, 2012
i was copying megan's blog from awhile ago LMAO :)
but ty anyways. i love coming across nice comments about me from strangers. we should talk more.
Sent by sjsoccer88,Jun 28, 2012

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