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Help Stop Puppy Mills

Jul 1, 2010 by sheyennie2012
imageCan you imagine forcing your pet dog to live his or her entire life in a small wire cage with no human companionship, toys or comfort, and little hope of ever becoming part of a family? That is what life is like for a puppy mill breeding dog. Help us stop this cycle of cruelty that contributes to pet overpopulation and the suffering of countless dogs. Puppy mills have been around for decades. They continue to thrive because they prey on unwitting consumers who are smitten by too-cute-for-words puppies in pet store windows and on legitimate-seeming websites. Puppy mills house dogs in shockingly poor conditions. After their fertility wanes, breeding animals are often killed, abandoned or sold cheaply to another mill to try and get "one more litter" out of the dog. The annual result of all this breeding is millions of puppies, many with behavior and/or health problems. Choose not to buy your next pet from a pet store or Internet site, and refuse to buy supplies from any pet store or Internet site that sells puppies. Learn how to shop smart if you're thinking about getting a dog, and help us spread the word about the cruelty behind the cuteness.


how could anyone do that to innocent puppies
Sent by cdi_vegetarian,Jul 1, 2010
wow. people LOVE to negg you.
Sent by kaden_ryan_rox,Jul 2, 2010

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