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The shadowstar224's blog

Posts 13 posts

WINNER OF STARS 122 IS... Mar 20, 2011
Congrats Etienne on winning Stars 122! You deserve it! Once again, congrats!

Plus this if he deserved to win!
Points: 19 1 comments
Stars 122... who I voted for... FOR REAL THIS TIME! Mar 20, 2011
Well, I'll have to say that this was a pretty hecitc season of stars... and all 3 of the final 3 do deserve to win after the epic fight to reach the finals. And, I just so happened to vote for... Etienne. WOOHOO!?
Points: 20 2 comments
Fave song of 2010. Yours? Mar 20, 2011
In the comments, tell me your favorite song of 2010, I'd like to know!
And, tell me if you liked the music, hated the music, or didn't listen to the music. And, tell me your "Artist of the Year"

I'll have to say that with 2010 music: You can have good music, bad music, or just absolutely terrible music. But for the most part, I liked the music. I liked how Katy Perry made 3 enormous songs, and how Rhianna made some pretty decent songs. Eminem and Usher were pretty good, and omg Ke$ha. Lady Gaga. I don't remember any new songs of hers other than Alejandro. Bruno Mars made his songs real popular, and JUSTIN BIEBER. I'd have to say overall, my favorite song is Double Vision - 3OH!3. I didn't talk about them because you know, they're not really "big" yet.
Points: 30 6 comments
VOTED ______ FROM STARS 122 FTW! Mar 19, 2011
Who did I vote to win? :o
Points: 23 2 comments
Got A Song Stuck In My Head Mar 19, 2011
Anyone guess the song? It's by Katy Perry. -_- I bet that gives it away

Don't get me wrong, I love her.
Points: 2 0 comments
Saved ______ from Stars! Mar 19, 2011
Who did I save? o:

HINT: it's a male.
Points: 42 4 comments