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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

best 20 survivors imo

Jan 25, 2022 by setuptables13
imageidc what any yall say imo these are the best survivors and a lot of them it isn't because they strategic or good i like em because they fun to watch. and this does include australian survivor.

1. king george of banks town (australia)
2. tony
3. david (australia)
4. tyson
5. hayley (australia)
6. todd
7. russell
8. parv
9. coach
10. joe
11. jay
12. xander
13. daisy (australia)
14. jt
15. james
16. john (australia)
17. jefra (yes jefra from cagayan)
18. sandra the queen
19. janine (australia)
20. tiff


Sent by Yandereboy12,Jan 25, 2022
how many times do you blog this
Sent by yswimmer96,Jan 25, 2022
this list is awful you must have watched like 6 seasons
Sent by Birks4444,Jan 25, 2022
for the only good survivors are rupert and ozzy because they catch the fish and if u dont have fish then u r bad survivor sandra is dumb idiot she suck in challenge big dumby loser more like suckdra because she is suck and they should bring back boston rob because he manipulate ppl like a boss and super villain big boy and cirie is fat and she no like leaves how can she evr catch fish russl shuld hav one survivor bcuz he is king of survivr an he find the idol which is just liek catch fish joe is hot and catch my fish if u know what saying survvor best show only better show is grey antomy
Sent by Marktint_1,Jan 25, 2022
this list is really straight
Sent by BB5lover,Jan 25, 2022

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