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The rohvenk1's blog

Posts 85 posts

My first Final Four.. Jun 6, 2009
Im soo happy.. for the first time, i reached the final four in a game.. congrats to Eric for winning.. I hope I can get a win soon... Thanks for a lovely game y'all :)
Points: 49 7 comments
I NEED THE DOUGH!! Jun 5, 2009
Please plus.. I'm this (indicates gap between fingers) close to getting a yellow colour level and would love to play a rookies game. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE plus me :)
Points: 20 4 comments
Perfect Game Jun 4, 2009
What in your opinion is the perfect game??

Mine is one where everyone trust me and I'm keeping the peace.
Points: 21 4 comments
Tengaged Jun 1, 2009
Points: 30 5 comments
There Comes A Time May 27, 2009
There comes a time when you feel so betrayed, you begin to question who you truly are and what you ever did to have turned everyone against you. It's hard, especially when you know that you did everything you could to help the people who hurt you. I know I did my best. I never let them realise that I had my problems, choosing to help them over solveing my own problems. In the end, I realised that being good to others does nothing for yourself. All you end up getting is hurt.

There comes a time when you feel so hurt that you wonder if everything you did was only to end up in you getting hurt. You try and understand why people do the things they do, but you realise that even trying to understand why people do what they do is futile. You wonder if everything people ever said to you was just one big lie. You hope that one day, you wake up and everything will be fine. But it never is.

There comes a time when you felt so used that you begin to question whether your friends really liked you or whether you were just someone that they used for their gains. You begin to wonder whether being nice and helping people was worth the end result. You wonder whether because of your helping nature, people have been taking advantage of you. It makes you hate not others, but yourself for being such a pushover.

If anyone can relate to this, you know what it feels like. To those who can't, take one moment to think back and see if you were the one who could have caused this hurt to another.
Points: 8 2 comments
Hey everyone... Want your opinions.. May 20, 2009
Hey guys.. I want you to do me a favour.. Rate tengaged (1-10) as:
1) An Online Game
2) A good place to make friends
3) A waste of time.

10 indicates you agree and 1 that you disagree. This is basically to convince one of my friends to join
Points: 18 1 comments