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Daniel's Blog

Posts 44 posts

What to Expect Aug 26, 2010
Big Brother has a saying... EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! In the game of Big Brother you can't really predict who will win competitions. With VETO holders HOH winners and NOMINEE'S. You can't expext anything. Leave your comment on what YOU think what's gonna happen next
Points: 0 1 comments
Ragan's Smart Brain Aug 26, 2010
Ragan is one smart cookie! Him "thinking" that Matt,Lane,Hayden and Enzo had some type of alliance will change the Big Brother House for sure! I think now that Matt is gone it won't hurt the Birgade but I think the Birgade should just let Ragan know who the Birgade members are. O and how can Hayden think that The Birgade controlls the whole house! If you ask me they don't mean anything to the Big Brother House. The Sabateour is the only person in the house that changes the game. Leave a comment saying what you think will happen next
Points: 0 2 comments
Brendon and Matt's exit Aug 26, 2010
Today on Big Brother Matt was evicted and Hayden won the HOH competition. Hayden put up Brendon and Brittany. I already knew that Brendon would leave the Big Brother house. His revenge of wining the VETO competition was worth nothing. Not only is Matt turning on Ragan but Ragan is turning on Matt! Ragan even voted to evict Matt! Tune into Big Brother 8/7 central on CBS Wednesday,Thursday and Sunday!
Points: 1 1 comments
Tension Rising Aug 26, 2010
Daniel here and I am exactly 30 minutes away from the double-eviction of Big Brother. I personally think Matt will leave the Big Brother house tonight. If Brendon wins HOH he will oubisiouly put of Brittany which could just backfire if she wins the VETO competition. Please leave your comment on who you think will be evicted on Big Brother and who will win the next HOH competition
Points: 10 1 comments
Tension Rising Aug 26, 2010
Daniel here and I am exactly 30 minutes away from the double-eviction of Big Brother. I personally think Matt will leave the Big Brother house tonight. If Brendon wins HOH he will oubisiouly put of Brittany which could just backfire if she wins the VETO competition. Please leave your comment on who you think will be evicted on Big Brother and who will win the next HOH competition
Points: 9 0 comments
Tonight's Eviction Aug 26, 2010
When Brendon won the VETO competition it made Brittany furious! Now Matt was choosen as the replacement nominee by Brittany which I think was a stupid move. I know it was wrong that Matt wanted Ragan to be the replacement nominee but still! I would of put of Hayden as the replacement nominee because he won 5,000 dollars in the last VETO competition. Brittany even knows that because Lane told her. The drama in the BB house is just so exciting!
Points: 8 1 comments