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The persiandude's blog

Posts 65 posts

Crazy, teach me! Aug 20, 2009
i'm so jealous :P
Points: 20 1 comments
Oh no i looked at crazy's profile! Aug 20, 2009
so sorry. can't wait til crazy takes over tengaged lol
Points: 26 0 comments
Dream Journal Aug 19, 2009
This is gonna be the start of my new dream journal. i get a lot of weird dreams and i'm gonna share some of mine here. here's the one i had an hour of ago. i had two sets of them but i only genuinely remember the 2nd one:

me and some people were being chased by freddy kruger in an old 70's car (it was from my 1st dream and the only part that i could remember from it).

we were then cornered in my house on the driveway. freddy kruger gets out of the car but all of a sudden it's not freddy anymore but the actress Yvette Nicole Brown (you may remember her as the theatre manager Helen in Drake and Josh) carrying some kind of switch she yells at us to sit down, which we all hesistantly do.

she then explains that her job is to kill one of us and by pressing her switch one of us will spontaneously die. she then whispers individually tells us whether we're gonna live or die. when she comes up to me she says that i'm gonna die with an evil laugh.

i was freaking out and hyperventilating and everyone got the message that i was the one. all of a sudden another person comes out of the car and it turns out to be Jane Kaczmarek (Lois, the mom in Malcom in the Middle) and she takes the switch from Yvette.

she was about to press the switch when i pleaded if i could say goodbye to everyone but she quickly said no. i then asked how long it would take before i get to the afterlife and she said two hours. before i had the chance to ask any more questions, she presses the switch and my body suddenly collapsed and i couldn't move or hardly breathe (this is where the sleep paralysis occured). i woke up after what felt like a minute or two.
Points: 6 3 comments
Just had a really bad case of sleep paralysis Aug 19, 2009
now it's 4:30 AM and i can't go back to sleep plus i have practice in 2.5 hours
i get sleep paralysis on a weekly basis. some are more intense than others but this one i had was one of the most intense ones i've ever experienced
Points: 18 1 comments
Two more weeks until Glee comes on! Aug 18, 2009
can't wait! :D

Points: 1 2 comments
Big brother isn't on?!?! Aug 16, 2009
stupid 60 minutes!
is it coming on at 9 instead? i hope so
Points: 15 3 comments