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First Car Accident...A short story

Jul 16, 2009 by paulbuchska
yesterday after leaving the dentist i got in my third car accident and it got me thinking of my first car accident. I was driving home from the movies and hydroplaned into a woman's car. She flipped me off with both hands. She yelled at me to call 911 and I told her that they would not do anything of no one was injured, but I called anyway and the dispatcher told me that since no one was injured, the cops would not come. The lady said that she would not move until the cops came. I told her that she could call back, but she didnt have a phone so i lent her mine. "How do i use this thing?" she yelled to me, so i told her to press 911 and then the green button. While on the phone she kept screaming to me "Fix it, Fix it" i wanted to tell her that i was not a mechanic, but i did not want to be sarcastic with her given that i had just hit her car. Overhearing her conversation on the phone she was telling the dispatcher that her bumper was bent in and her headlights were...and she took a long pause, so i said broken and then in a disgusted tone she said "destroyed." Meanwhile all of my friends are driving by and i am really embarassed. The lady refused to give me her info because it was my fault and i had to explain to her that if she wanted her car fixed that i would need her info. My dad finally showed up and tried to get the lady to give us the info and move her car from out of the middle of the road. She just kept saying" You cannot intimidate me sir" The cops came and told her to move her, she dramatically crawled through the passenger side door cuz her door was squeeking but it was still able to be opened. The cop asked if i understood that it was my fault and i said yes and he told me to go home because the lady was a little crazy (his exact words). 2 hours later my mom drove by and the cops were still there with the lady. She visits the restaraunt i used to work at regularly. Sorry this post was so long.


WOW once i bumped a lady from behind just a tiny bit. she yelled and yelled at me because i could've "killed her kids" it was horrible. in the end the insurance ruled that there was no damage to her car and she didn't get anything. then she called and harassed me saying that i had to replace her kids carseats and stuff. why're people so crazy?
Sent by Genevere,Jul 16, 2009
Because they think by intimidating you they can get whatever they want.
Sent by p0tt34,Jul 16, 2009
Best car accident story ever!!!
Sent by NateDogg90,Jul 16, 2009
that story was amazing!
Sent by cheznahuf,Jul 22, 2009

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