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Wisdom teeth

Jul 13, 2011 by pandabear
i got my wisdom teeth pulled out Friday and it is Wednesday and i am still in pain. I am starting to wonder how long this pain will last, they say that the most pain is the first two days but for me i think it is the last few days because it is really annoying having holes in your gums and you cheeks soar for this long amount of time. The only thing that feel way good to eat is probably ice cream. But depending on what dentist pulls your teeth out depends on what food you can eat. For example my older brother got his teeth pulled by a different dentist and he could NOT eat dairy products but me i can eat anything soft as long as i stay away from any type if nut and pretzels. So if you get your wisdom teeth pulled i suggest you eat ice cream, not the ice cream that you keep in your freezer the kind of ice cream that is in a shake form. So a chocolate shake would be perfect for you to eat. And i also suggest that before you start eating that delicious chocolate shake that you hole the shake up to both sides of your face where it is soar for at least a few minutes so your jaw is numb so it don't hurt as bad to try to open your mouth to put that tiny spoon full of delicious ice cream into your bloody mouth. PS also i found it very comfortable to sleep on my couch for the time that i was doped on pills because i had the tv on the whole night so i didn't feel lonely. But if you are excited to get your wisdom teeth pulled that is great because that means you are on the journey to having beautiful straight white teeth.


Mine are growing in right now.. but i think they growing in straight so they dont need to be pulled.
Sent by Brittanyy,Jul 13, 2011
I had my wisdom teeth pulled two weeks ago. I found that oatmeal with lots of sugar and this grape raspberry v8 juice was the easiest and tastiest meal to eat when I could barely open my mouth
Sent by lemonsalsa,Jul 13, 2011
yes i have been eating a lot of oatmeal with peanut butter
Sent by pandabear,Jul 13, 2011

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