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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Casting game #15766

Jul 22, 2010 by nkCyborg
Well, i ended up falling short upon 6th place. But i just wanna congratulate splozojames50 for his win. I played 2 castings with him and we stuck together and both times got very far. Also congrats to the final 5: splozo, monokolopo (haha), piperpi, davidvegimite, and SpideyNerd, who was my opponent when i was finally evicted after like a ton of nomintaions. Now just waitng for this red dot to come off my face so i can go into my first rookies :)

And why r ppl nrgging me? I dont see how anyone would take offense to this


hey thx, mail me and we can play together again
Sent by splozojames50,Jul 22, 2010
It was fun. Thanks for being my buddy!
Sent by PiperPi,Jul 22, 2010
I cant play till i get this stupid red dot off my face. Sorry splozo.
Btw i added u as a friend piper
Sent by nkCyborg,Jul 22, 2010
I will add you back! :)
Sent by PiperPi,Jul 22, 2010
Ok lol i already sent u a mail, so just ignore it lol
Sent by nkCyborg,Jul 22, 2010

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