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The ninja_bunny's blog

Posts 154 posts

Sunburned May 15, 2010
I was outside today and even with sunscreen on, I burned really badly.  I look like a lobster.

I feel so cold too- I'm wrapped up in three blankets and snuggling up to my boyfriend, yet I'm so bloody cold- it's like I have a chill.


Points: 24 3 comments
My drink is curdled May 14, 2010
My paralyzer [coke, kaluha, vodka, and milk]- I didn't mix it properly, and now the milk is curdled.

Points: 42 4 comments
This avatar May 13, 2010
imageWhenever I see it, I think she has a penis between her boobs  :/

Points: 4 0 comments
Reason behind ninja_bunny May 13, 2010
imageMany moons ago, when I joined this site, I was stumped with my avatar name.  I was sitting by my patio window, when I happened to glance outside.  I saw two little bunnies, frolicking in the spring grass, oh how cute they were.  I suddenly though that their movements looked like graceful ninjas; that's when I decided on my name. 

After typing in my name and hitting "save" I looked back at the bunnies- they weren't behaving like little ninjas and more.  Rather, they were busy little bunnies do the nasty.  :S

Points: 17 1 comments
Join Dawnmicd's game May 13, 2010
I realized that I didn't put a link to the game in the "put me to shame" blog haha.

Anyway- Dawnmicd- instead of buying a colour level, decided to start a game- because she wants to make some more friends

Here's the game:

It should be fun- please join!!!!

Points: 11 1 comments
I'm a plussing whore May 13, 2010

Points: 9 2 comments