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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

gummy bears

Apr 5, 2010 by monika
so, on, i read a couple of posts about gummy bears getting bigger in water. and of course, i had to try to for myself. they didn't specify what temperature the water had to be, so i got myself two cups, one with cold water, and one with HOT water. well. the gummy bear in the hot water, started to shrink, and within a couple of hours, his blood was all over the bottom of the cup. poor dear. and the gummy bear in the cold water (who i've named tommy), well, nothing happened to him. obviously i was upset by this, buuuut i kept him in the water anyways. and now, practically 7 hours later, tommy is bigger than his original size (but not yet double his original size). i'll keep you all posted on tommy's progress :D i'm excited.


Your First Name of: Monika
Below is just a brief analysis of the first name only. For an analysis of your full name and destiny, see our free detailed Name Report service for further details.
Your first name of Monika has given you inspirational, idealistic, and dramatic qualities.

You have a clever, deep mind and the talent to excel in highly inspirational lines of endeavour as a dramatist, musician, writer, or artist.

You can be lifted by beauty in all forms and are at the most creative when inspired.

Your expressive, affectionate nature responds quickly through your feelings, but you must guard against being possessive and jealous.
Although the name Monika creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and nervous system.
Sent by crazy342,Apr 5, 2010
omg that's cool!
Sent by moup94,Apr 5, 2010
:D i know
Sent by monika,Apr 5, 2010
+7 Thats awesome! xD
Sent by toonboom,Apr 6, 2010
lol +4 =]
Sent by Student777,Apr 6, 2010

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