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Missgawjus's Brill Blog!

Posts 138 posts

Anything and Everything Apr 9, 2009
This blog is about anything and everything that pops into my head witch will be alot of random stuff.
Most people on tengaged are from the USA or the UK. If im rong please feel free to say that in a comment. Im just saying that when i have been in games most people have said that tey are from these places! Obviously some people wont have said where thry are from but the people thhat did said that they were from the USA and UK. All I'm trying to say is that I havnt heard anyone say anything like "I'm from Jamaca!" not that they would say Jamaca but you know what i mean.

On the top blogs i have never seen anyone on there that dosn't have a couler level! Its rear that you see some one with couler level yellow! I dont know why it might be based on how populer the people are or it might just be random. Another thing is some of the blogs on top blogs are really long and intresting and they deserve to be on there but some of the others....well....they are like one sentence long and are not evan intresting,sometimes i wonder how thet got on there. People probobly just plussed them for the sake of it.

i wrote in one of my other blogs that i read in some one's blogs that evan if your blog has minus points then if quite a few people leave comments with more than 15 charecters then you would still get alot of T$. Now i tested this theary and for me it didnt work but obviously for her it did!(not fair) It is probobly not many people actually left comments and they did for her.

I was reading one of Randomize's blogs about avatars. He was asking if anyone thought that they should take away the avatars and replace them with pictures of us.Personally i dont think they should and the majority of people agreed with me. Most of the people said things like "No because some people dont like the way thet look and shouldnt have to show people" I agree with that and i also think that the best thing about the avatars is that people cant judge people on what they look like and that if people want people to see them then they should post pics of them selves in games and on blogs!

Ok well thats enough of my random stuff.
see ya l8er
Points: 14 5 comments
Run out of things to say! Apr 8, 2009
Its really annoying when I need to write a blog because i really need money but I cant think of anything to write!
I would really appreiciate it if you plussed it anyway and left really long comments!
see ya l8er!
Points: 0 4 comments
The Blog With No Name Apr 7, 2009
On this blog just leave a comment. please cant he comment e more than 15 charecters and that dosnt include spaces.
I just want to know if its true that u do get more monney for comment like that.
BTW it would also help if u plussed it aswell!
Points: 6 3 comments
Have a nice day Apr 7, 2009
What!!! i really didnt mean to make it i accidently did it. Oh No im really annoid every one will think im werd for callng a blog "Have a nice day" lol.
well i dont know what to put so er Have a nice day!
Points: 3 9 comments
Castings Apr 6, 2009
This blog is about Casting games. They kinda get boring if thats all u can go on, thats why im trying to make more T$ I have tried everything:Set up a donation link, written loads of blogs,etc. the only thing i havn't done is be active on a game and thats because i havnt joined 1 because i dont wanna lose the money! plz plus this blog and the rest of my bloga and click on this link, it dosn't take long and its really easy plz plz plz.
Points: 13 5 comments
LOL Apr 5, 2009
this is really random  but i think people over use the phrase LOL! Every one says it when they think some thing some one says over the internet,text messages funny so i think we should come up with a replacement phrase. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment
see ya l8er xxx
Points: 4 6 comments