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The mini_van's blog

Posts 21 posts

Giving away $T Aug 20, 2009
Ok so maybe this is a stupid qustion. Maybe. I wanted to know can I give away some of my $T to any player I want. Let's say one if my friends on here is low and can't play a game they really want to. Is there any way I can give/loan them the money. Thanks!!!
Points: 34 5 comments
My first rookies game!! Aug 19, 2009
So I was just evicted from my first rookies game yesterday! Yeah it was sad, but hey it's a game. I must say I'm not in love with the rookies. I mean the people were ok, but that freaking algo is a game changer! I wish there were no outside influences. That rookies were just like BB US where there's an HOH that nominates two people. No algo! It's hard to play with that algo determining who's inactive even though there's ten active people on the game. Anyway I learned a lot in that game which is great, because that's what tengaged is all about right. I realized that you need to be more aggressive and forthcoming even if everyone else isn't! So yay me!
Points: 12 2 comments
CHPS....anyone? Aug 18, 2009
Ok so this is probably a long shot and please don't neg me. I'm getting to take my Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security (CHPS) soon and wanted to see if anyone else on here has taken it or knows someone who has? It's so difficult to actually find someone who has taken and to get valuable information from them on hat to study. Like I said a long shot but if you can help me please do! Thanks!!!!
Points: 21 3 comments
Socialized Healthcare Aug 14, 2009
Ok so I'm not trying to start arguments or any political wars. Yet :) Im going to follow up with a later post on the healthcare reform in the states. I just want to talk about socialized healthcare because this site has so many different cultures and people from different cultures. I figured you can't get any better than that!

I would like to ask all our you in other countries that actually have socialized healthcare what you think of it? There's so many differnt views, opinions, documentaries out there that it's hard to know what the truth is. I feel like most of them are propaganda anyway. I would like to know about the healthcare in your country. If you're a physician or nurse tell me from your perspective what you think about healthcare in your country. Everyone is so scared of socialized medicine, but no one is willing to actually ask the real people who deal with it everyday. Please leave your comments below. Thanks!!!!
Points: 3 3 comments
Excuse for racism? Aug 13, 2009
imageOk so maybe this is a heavy topic expecially for tengaged. I've meet some really cool people on here and I think everyone can probably offer something to say about this.

Ok so I was watching youtube the other day and I ran across this video that said excuse for racism. Of course I clicked on it, because it seemed interesting. This guy was telling a story about how he was on a date with this girl and somehow they started talking about babies. She stated that she didn't believe that people of different races shouldn't have babies together. She said that it was a fact that interracial babies had more medical problems than any other race of children. They were more prone to sickness, being mentally challenged, etc.

Well of course I don't believe this. My husband is white and I'm black and I don't for one second think something will be wrong with our children. But just for argument sake let's say this is true. That somewhere out there someone did a study that proved this was true. Would this be an excuse for racism? I've just always believed people should be with who makes them happy.
Points: 52 2 comments
Join rookies game 9412 please! We need three more players Aug 13, 2009
Please join this game. It's going to be so much fun! I just joined and so far we have talked about penis, gang rape, and 10 baller! So much more can happen if you join. We also have people from Ireland, Manchester, Mississippi, and Canada. Such a diverse group. Please join so we can start paying together!!!
Points: 36 1 comments