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The millertime8414's blog

Posts 75 posts

Time to slow down Sep 22, 2010
after a week away from this place i realized that i neeed to slow down not ply 4 or 5 games at a time... it begins to consume you and we forget  alot of ppl.... and things of real everyday life..... Im not going anywhere...... jus slowing down a lil.. its time for some me time

i will try and post my vegas blog soon. ♥ i have some amazing pics
Points: 69 8 comments
Goodbye! :( Sep 13, 2010

HEHEH... and gets me meeets ma kaffy!!! aka kavalle
as well as a wack of other BB friends :)
Points: 98 11 comments
Behind Ma Avi! Sep 9, 2010
imageThis Is moi! real name is sarah! :)

hi guys ily!
Points: 180 11 comments
Newest Black Card!!!! Sep 9, 2010
imageWell after a morning of askin for a lil help and 8 months of playing this aweome game many ppl have helped me reach my goal.. of getting to black.

    I can't believe that i have finally made it..  a few weeks ago when i got brown i said i hoped in a few weeks i would have black and a few ppl laughed at me... welll now i have done it!!  I cant say i have done this alone there has been soo many ppl to help me out along the way

too mention a few...

MariEve- if it wasnt for you  i wouldnt have met some of the most amazing ppl have have to this day as well as yourself u are on of the most funniest kind hearted ppl i have ever met

EngragedBeauty- I remember when we were on Ot's in survivor n i knew from then that one day i would befriend this nice person i seen in deff took a lil while but  you have made a huge impact on mee.. not only here but irl your one hell of a person n dont ever forget that
deff a friend i wanna last for a lifetime♥♥♥

Kavelle- i think thats the only name i have to say on this site and i would get 10 000 ppl all saying amazing things about u tha are most likely all true. I cant wait too meet u next week  ur like a mother/big sister on here and u dont know how happy i am too have met you

Robbster,cool,dill,agent and sav- the 4 of u boys make me laugh everytime we talk n in all the games we have pllayed we have always had amazing great times

Skyy and megan maryc- skyy u know i adore u too pieces and r rookies we have played are a blast  u deff helped me get to this point N megs... seein u succeed the way u do in these games deff pushes ppl to wanna be better  ur a good kid, dont let ppl get you down. u know who u are and thats all that matters n mary- i luvs r talks and i cant wait to meet u in dec along side ally u guys are an amazin fame

Zeenon- Need i say more... u have been a big impact on ma tengaged career and u have helped me along the way and made ma avi a very pretty girl for this occasion lol ur a sweet guy ily

DawnM-thankyou for all ur help ur good ppl xo
Gueld and jenani- I am also glad too have met  u both are very sweet girls and i hope to play again soon

Matty- lol i dont think i need to say much u know ily  and r games have been pretty fun lol

Maggie Aleg Alana Sass Emm and Bio n. I am fairly new tooo meeting all of you but ifly all  u guys have helped make my time here  fun I love too seee the good in everyone and u guys are all amazin ppl

streeter- i luv playing in duels with you.. ur one hell of a player and u push me too be better one if these days ima beat u lol :)

stokes- I miss yah girly n i hope we play again soon we have had some amazinng games together ily

To my 2 boys of tengaged and .es tengaged Dylamo and trey.. U guys know how much u mean too me i luvs u both  u guys have made my time here fun and special lol i know we all joke a lot but u 2 really do have  a special place in ma heart foeva XO i love u guys

Evan- i know we have jus met recently but ur a prety chill dude n i cant wait to play more down the rd

Dj- Ma prince lol ily u and ur creampuffs lol xo xo

Brendon- Ma new friend I hope all works out one day and what we talk about actually happens  i adore u guys and i guys time will tell ♥♥♥

Noon- Ur stats speak for themself we have had some awesome games as well  its been a fun time

Reality/Tiara Ifly lol and ur  funny as well.. u know :P

Just gaga.. we have had some fn times in random chats in the bbworld hope one day get too meet u guys as well

GAGA- ur a funny guy idk if we have played much or ever but we sure doo talk lol n tiny chat sometimes  ur good times bud

Callie/skeet- If it wasnt for u i wouldnt have wanted to push too be better in these challenge that survivor we had was a turn around for me i ♥ you
I know there is soo many more ppl i wanna name here but  right now im
soo overwhelmed with finally making it too this point If i have forgotten some ppl jus tell me and u know ill add you

Too the peeps of the NC  ily guys u guys r some good peeeps!
Points: 1095 76 comments
Sooooo... close to being black Sep 9, 2010
imagebut i need ur help.... i dont wanna result too this but its soo close i can taste it ..... :(  plz help me out by going here and clicking on my link ♥♥♥♥ love u all

< the T whore im becoming :o
Points: 565 21 comments
500 CLUB Aug 30, 2010
imagewell after almost 9 months of being here im finally at 500 Karma
and if it wasnt for the darn duel id probably be black by now...  but im still pretty proud of myself Thanks too all who have been a help to me along the way and the many new awesome ppl i have met ♥♥♥♥♥
Points: 963 68 comments