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The mikey23's blog

Posts 47 posts

Phenomanimal!! Jan 19, 2011
imagethis guy is amazing!i have won a total of 38 t's from bets on this guy,he is almost a sure thing 2 win every rookies hes in!i would bet my house on this guy in almost any rookies!he has helped me out alot,and i rele appreciate that!
Points: 42 3 comments
join a castings!!! Jan 18, 2011
right now im in a castings waitin for ppl 2 join....plez do if u can!!!!thanx every1!!!!!
Points: 19 2 comments
my tengaged career Dec 28, 2010
my tengaged career has rele been terrible lately.the last month and a half or watever it was have been extremely bad.i have lost all my money and confidence on this website.i got a second in that castings but since then it has been downhill.rookies i should just give up on bcuz ik i cant win fact im not goin 2 win anything at this last 5 rookies placings have been 8th,12th,10th,another 8th,and a 13th.i lost all my t's on bets and rookies.i rele need help,soon.
Points: 3 1 comments
*PYN* Dec 19, 2010
i hav already been on tengaged for 5 months and i hav rele enjoyed my experience here.if u want 2,u can pyn in the comments and ill write a paragraph or so on wat i think of u.luv ya all!!!!!!!!

noraw6842:hey noraw,idrk who u r,but i hope 2 get 2 know u!!!!!!

vikejk17:ive never seen u either!!!!howd u get 2 this blog if i like dk u?
Points: 10 2 comments
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nov 28, 2010
uhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!my week on tengaged has been extremely terrible!!!!!!i had enough money 2 buy the orange but i for some unknown reason decided not 2 and i also somehow decided 2 join 2 rookies games which have now rele set me back!!!!!!!!!!im now down to just 28 t's and im rele gonna have 2 do well on this castings im in right now if i want 2 get 2 the orange in just 1 game.............uhhh this is stressful!!!!!!!!!!!do u guys have any ideas for wat i can do 2 get 2 orange quicker?
Points: 5 5 comments
castings #20298 Nov 24, 2010
image2day my first new kind of castings will most likely in the f5 right now and id rele care if i win or not cuz the other 5 ppl left r all great ppl and i luv them all.the part i will most likely never forget is that this castings took almost a whole week or somethin.and 2 admit it,im actually happy it did.i got 2 meet and become friends with more ppl than i have with any other game ive ever played.her r all the great ppl i got 2 meet:

vhiclown(15th place):u were the first 1 2 join this game,and unfortunately u were the first 1 seemed like u went way 2 definetly wanna join another game with u just 2 get 2 know u better cuz u seemed like a rele good person in the few moments u were online.

funfrank87(6th place):u were definetly 1 of the best players in the game considring u couldnt b on from 8 am till 5 pm everyday and u still got 6th place somehow.idk how that is possible and u definetly gave me a check so i now know when i might hit a bump in my tengaged career.i hope 2 play with u again sometime soon.

rrossrocks(1-time veto winner,7th place):u were definetly gonna b a tough out the whole game.idk how any1 could target u.u were definetly a threat 2 dominate the game the whole way through.i actually count myself lucky u arent still in cuz u couldve easily gotten me out if u wanted 2 at any point.i wish i couldve gotten 2 know u better cuz id think we ever talked the whole game.

Gabriel_XD19(14th place):ih,wow.i mean, think any1 knows who u r yet and it was very awkward when u were on.considring the fact u werent even speaking english.i think youll go down as the biggest outsider in tengaged on hopefulli in english.

amf7410(1-time veto winner,5th place):i rele admired u this whole game.u seemed like the favorite 2 win the whole the whole time.most ppl later on will prob think u won a lot more vetos than u actually did.i thought u were a great person the whole game,and it stinks that 2day only 1 of us will make the f4.

yswimmer96(12th place):u were prob the most intimidating person in the game.mostly bcuz u were the most experienced person,and u also said u had access 2 tengaged secret website or somethin 2 c who was neggin and stuff.i think bcuz u were the most intimidating,u didnt finish in the f10.i hope 2 talk 2 u soon or maybe even join a game 2gether.

nikki00(3rd place):u were prob my best friend that barely ever talked with me in this game.we still talked a little,and here we r both in the f5.u r def in the f4 actually.i think u r a great person and i hope 2 talk 2 u soon.

Loopulk(8th place):so loop.u seemed like a rele quiet person the whole time and id think we ever talked either.u went earlier than i expected and i wish u had stayed longer and maybe we could get 2 know eachother better.tty soon.

RainbowNachos(1-time veto winner,9th place):u won the first veto and then u seemed 2 like fade away.u seemed 2 b on less and less each day,until u were finally spite of all that,u might still win the award for best avatar name in this game.

ParisPinkx3(1-time veto winner,10th place):idrk wat happened 2 u.u still havent been on for 3 days and im rele surprised by in yer future on tengaged.

janelle76(3-time veto winner,1st place):wow,unbelievable.u were prob the nicest person ill ever meet on tengaged and prob 1 of the best ppl ill meet in my entire life.u were funny,smart,just a great person.u and me just seemed 2 like agree on everythin we talked about like who we were evicting,nommin,pretty much everythin.and on top of all that u won 3 vetos,the most of any1 in the game.i would luv 2 play another game with u sometime soon.

mikey23(2-time veto winner,2nd place):idr got anythin 2 say about how this person affected me.

AmericanR(13th place):id think any1rele got 2 know u,id think u were that active either.tty soon hopefulli.

Jeff17(2-time veto winner,4th place):this dude was like my big bro,always helpin me out,even tho hes younger than me.that is rele weird he seems like hes older than me,of course id mean he needs 2 b in a retirement home or somethin,but ok nvm this dude rele helped me with my game and i cannot wait till we have another game 2gether again.tty soon jeff.

Joshrah(1-time veto winner,11th place):well this guy did the good deed of tellin us that he wasnt gonna bon in fact it was a whole week he said he was gonna miss,and i thank him lots for tellin us that.unlike some others,i wont mention names.(gabe,american,paris,rainbow)i hope 2 see ya soon josh.

thats it for every1 i wish whoevers left gl and i hope we have a great endin.peace out.
Points: 30 7 comments