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The maths8's blog

Posts 110 posts

vote Aug 5, 2012
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a Aug 4, 2012
I couldn't think of a snazzy title so I kept it simple.
So, in a traditional manner post in the comments below and i'll do a little to long write up about you. If i don't know you then I will give you my first impression or whatever about you.

and also, I'd really like to thank Rebecca Borman for giving me the strength to come this far.

(also, send me spam yo, ill give you a plus 10 )

Dansterdan - thank you :] I don't know you but you seem like a cool girl! I've seen you around for sure and we should be friends! :)

Chelss - oof, I remember you. :P We talked through messages one time for like an hour about completely random stuff and it was fun! We gotta reconnect again sometime, and I remember your avatar looked like Jesus so max respect homesizzle.

Zimdelinvasor - you sir, get a long entry. you're probably one of my closest friends on here and definitely keep me coming back. you are the survivor guru of tengaged and we always have fun conversations about survivor. also your music taste is impeccable. you are probably the closest any tengaged user will come to reaching the level of Rebecca Borman status, so take that as you will!

Bryce333 - omg bryce :D you're really fun to talk to! we've had some really bizarre skype conversations o.o but they are always a blast and i get a kick out of them!

LaFierceBrittany2 - girl, I don't like you in the slightest! haha kidding (blush) we played in that crookies with cody and alec and it was a lot of fun! still fuming about how alec won that game out of nowhere like wtf :P i know you'll get that win in stars soon!

cody_ - hey! we met in Jesse's charity and played a few games together after that. it's always a pleasure to play and talk with you, you're a great guy :) once i get some t's again we should play a duel together :P

AllysonCX - oh hello. i love talking to you and you are quite the fire cracker ally, hehe. you da moon to my south america gurllllllllllll. i'll do that gurl mary's when she gets online and plusses my blog >C

Amylou8251 - hi amy :) you're a ton of fun to talk to! we've played i think 2 castings together and both were a lot of fun. we have the same birthday i remember, april 7th power :D and how come we have not had any babies yet i feel left out >C chop chop!

JesseM - you are quite the person i can tell you that! we've played a ton of games together, either you or Mary are the person i've played the most with! i remember joining your charity as a noob :X you're a good guy and i expect to see you at the top of the HOF eventually!

Phenomanimal - i like you even though your counterpart in Beauty and the Beast is a douche. we haven't talked as much lately but you are a great guy and we need to recconect :D

KingB24 - we met in survivor imagine which was a lot of a fun! you and russ were the only real power players in it and I'm glad i got to float and make it farther than you :P i played in your charity too, that was a fun game :D you're a cool guy!

sjsoccer88 - steve :D you're a really good guy! you got me gifted when it should have been you getting that operation design! that really showed that you are a kind, considerate person and I was glad to be able to repay the favor :) and you're a total beast at survivor haha

Acesurvivor - you're a nice guy :D i'm glad you are back from your break! we definitely need to talk more now that you're back :)

JUM40BUM40 - i know i'm going to have problems with your username so bare with me as i probably have to fight to get yours to tag :P we played in a casting one time with JesseM and it was a lot of fun, I don't know how i beat you two! and gl in stars, you played a great game < 3

TomC20 - tommmmmm. you are a really nice guy :D we played that crookies together, me, you, mary, fred, kathy, and xavier.. it was a good game! we should play together again sometime :P

Canadiankid - jeremy :D we talk on skype a lot, usually about sports. they are always fun convos and just sayin, that trade that we agreed on that would send bobby ryan to toronto has been vetoed because the ducks actually might have a shot to make the playoffs now :P

Kavalle - kathy :) that crookies we played in was fun! you're a really, really nice person! we need to talk more and maybe play another game somewhere down the line :)

Ezza7890 - oh hi ethan. Jeanie commends you for following her instructions. you are fun to talk to and beat up in transformice, bitch. i hope you win this stars you are in, youre my favorite person in it ok so go win and jeanie will make you a victory sign

Pattieilikefun - pattie ! :D im so glad you came back after your  break ily < 3 you are extremely nice and always a blast to talk to! :)

umsinhan - hiiii. we played in a crookies together, yes we did! that game was majorly messed up though haha! we gotta talk more for sure :)

Bo_oM - thank you! I've seen you around a lot, you join a ton of charities which is really charitable and i respect that a lot :) we should talk some time, and i always support you in stars!

ShadowBaller000 - thank you! i've for sure see you around :P you're one of the best challenge players on this site and the duel king. hopefully i never have to face you in the duel in my life :X unless it's DOND, if that bring it on ! we should talk sometime :)

TommyG456 - thank you :D you seem like a cool guy, I really liked your guide to being pale blog you posted earlier :P we should talk some time! :D

MaryC - my bestttttt friend! :O neither of us are on here as much anymore, and hardly play games but we talk relatively often still :D i love you < 3 you are the person i've played the most games with for sure :D dating back from my original account :P lots of love!

MTman - my boy! known you a long time, you mah boy. haaaaa i beat you to black :P i know you're close to it though, so we can soon be black together like it was always meant to be! love ya

Chameleoneyes - hiiiii! ily. you're really smart and sweet, even though every time i tell you that you deny it :P you can't keep on denying it because we both know its true! < 3

Chipotledude - oh hey weston. < 3 you are mah friend, one of my closest friends on this little website, we need to play a game together soon you little key whore!

Supergoten - hi :D you're really nice, one of the nicest people on tengaged we need to talk more soon :)

Sarahnva - hi thank you :D have you beaten pepper's merge streak yet? xx gl i know you'll do ittttt!

Megan - you are really nice :D you are probably the best person ive gone against in a casting haha

(ran out of tags :( i'll update it with tags in the comments every couple people from here on out)

Vitamin- thank you! great kpg by the way, you're really good at games! we should talk some time :)

Austin- thanks! you seem like a really nice guy, i've seen you commenting on blogs today and such :)

Ev32- You're really a great guy Evan! We haven't talked a lot, but when we do it's always a pleasant experience and I've always thought you've had a lot of class!

Chazz- Chazz < 3 you are a nice guy, we've had some fun convos on skype haha :P we need to continue to talk more :)

gagaluv- thank you! You're a nice person from all that I've seen and I really like most of your designs, especially the Hunger Game designs!

Dmann- thanks! I've seen you around and you seem like a fun guy. I will admit that I have been a victim of the donaam-dmann identity crisis as i have mixed you two up before :P good luck in stars! hope you do well :)

Amartin- thank you kindly :) we haven't had a lot of interaction but the bits we have had were pleasant! i know you're good friends with sjsoccer, and he is a great person so I assume the same of you :) we should talk sometime!

Doolisha- hi and thanks! I really like your avatar and the lyrics on your profile! we haven't talked at all I don't think but we should, you seem cool! :)

tyboy618- thank you! you seem like a cool guy :) good luck in your future endeavors on and off tengaged :P

Zimy- thanks :) you're a well known figure around tengaged and I love the designs you are cranking out! one of the rising designers on tengaged :P

Etienne- thank ya! you seem like a cool dude and are very well liked on here! :D

Sharpshooter4- thanks! we haven't met and I haven't seen you around :( shoot me a message sometime so we can talk :)

Turney1805- was sorely inclined to put that as turkey :P i remember making that joke and you found it funny which was great :D I supported you in stars and was sad to see you evicted :( we should talk!

Sokerdude7- you are a great guy! we met in Jesse's charity game, haven't had much contact since then but i've always thought you were truly a nice guy :)

GayJohnny- thank you! you seem like a cool dude, good luck in the future!

mercedes415- i luv ya! you're a great girl and I wish you would come on here more like you used to so we could play again!

Robbster1313- thanks! we played a crookies together and you were always fun to talk to! I hope we can play again in the future :)

Clueliz- you played a great game in this past stars, getting 2nd is quite the accomplishment! A win is in your future!

Hmzz- thanks! you seem like a good up and comer on the site and I expect to be commenting on your Black blog soon P:

BengalBoy- thanks dru! you're a really funny guy, probably one of the funniest people on this site if not the funniest! love the T Chatter blogs!

MikeC51- you're a really cool guy! grats on making finals in stars, I see a win in your future soon too!

Egaga911- you're a cool guy for sure :) we need to play a game sometime or something :)

Jhelsdon2478- jason! :) you're a really cool guy and I don't understand the hate you get. I've always had a ton of respect for you as a person and you as an educator!

Tinabeena- thank ya kindly! you seem like a genuinely nice person and are one of the main people im supporting in this stars! you'll do great and I'll be one of the many in your cheering section while you do so :P
Points: 0 1 comments
people play frookies Jul 27, 2012
Points: 4 0 comments
people play frookies Jul 27, 2012
Points: 0 1 comments
play Jul 26, 2012
play frookies
Points: 10 1 comments
think Jul 22, 2012
hmm i think i love people
that is all quite alot
Points: 0 0 comments