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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I know I'm probably gonna here crap about this but I don't care.

Oct 16, 2012 by martelloomis
I'm freaking tired of seeing all of these bullying suicides. Why do people feel the need to kill themselves because they are being bullied. As someone who was bullied quite a bit in high school, I never thought about killing myself just so I wouldn't be bullied anymore. I personally think it's pathetic if you feel that's what it has to come down to. That is just going to show that you are the loser the bullies say you are. You're a loser because you gave up. Just because you end your pain, doesn't mean someone else ins't going to be hurt. You'll have friends and family members who are going to mourn over your death. Is that really fair, ending your pain to only cause others pain? No. If you were my friend or family member that decided to kill yourself because you were being bullied, I would not shed one single tear. You're just showing me that you didn't care about your life, so why should I? Yes, I would be sad that I wouldn't see you again but I'm not going to mourn the loss of someone who isn't willing to fight for their life and prove those bullies wrong. People shouldn't be sad that someone took a coward's way out instead of facing their problems. I'm not saying you should go out and hurt people who hurt you. I'm just saying if you want the bullying to stop, do something about it. Tell a parent, tell a teacher, tell a friend. Even if the bullying doesn't stop, you might feel better by talking about it with someone. Just don't be a coward and a loser, and don't give up. Why not live your life and be better than what the bullies ever said you could be.


Being bullied can cause many different things.  The most common is self esteem problems, which mostly everyone suffers from if they are bullied.  Some people become stronger because of bullying, and some people go into a crippling depression because of it.  People react differently to things, it's what makes us humans and not robots.  People who kill themselves because of bullying should not be thought of as "weak" or "cowards", it is not their fault that the bullying affected them in such an extreme manner.
Sent by Sebbers,Oct 16, 2012
Sent by koolmanmadden,Oct 16, 2012
But it is their own fault that they don't know how to deal with these things appropriately.
Sent by martelloomis,Oct 16, 2012
you are so ignorant.
Sent by theXplayer,Oct 16, 2012
im not ignorant
Sent by martelloomis,Oct 16, 2012
Why should I feel sorry for someone who doesn't value their own life?
Sent by martelloomis,Oct 16, 2012

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