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Survivor top 10 dumbest moves May 26, 2012
10. Brandon South Pacific
the emotional christian Brandon Hantz was on a mission to clear the Hantz name, when he won immunity at 5 it seamed clear Albert was going home, but Brandon had give his word to save Albert anyway he can and gave him immunity so that he would go home instead
9. Jason Fans Vs. Favorites
Jason was clearly on the outs of the tribe and had thought he had just found the hidden immunity idol. it however was a fake that Ozzy put there(it was a stick with a face on it). he played the fake idol for Eliza, so she was sent home. the next round Ozzy was sent home with the idol so it was replanted, and he found it for real this time. even though he just saw Ozzy get blindsided with the idol he held on to it and was voted out the same way
8. Johnithan Cook Island
Johnithan was set to be in the final three with Candice and Pavarti, but he was scared of Yul's idol and voted out Nate, meaning he had stabbed every player in the back. they then knew he was a snake and voted him out 7th
7. James China
James was the first player in Survivor history to have 2 idols at one time. there was 7 people left meaning he had 3 turns to play his idols. He however decide to keep them one more round but he was too big a threat for the jury and was blindsided by Todd and Amanda
6. Colby The Australian Outback
colby had won Final immunity and it seemed like he had a guaranteed 7-0 vote in the final, but he picked the more deserving Tina and lost 4-3
5. Lillian Pearl Islands
she made a similar move that Colby did. She had won final immunity and it seemed that she was a millionaire but with a confused vote, se voted out Fairplay and lost the final vote 6-1
4. J.T. Heros Vs. Villains
it was clear to the Heros that there was an all girls alliance on the villains side and Russell was next to go. J.T. had a hidden immunity idol and after the challenge gave it to Russell in exchange for his vote after the merge. but Russell was running the show and used the idol to vote out J.T. and give the villains a 5-4 numbers advantage
3. Tyson Heros Vs. Villains
with Russell haveing the idol, Rob had everyone split the votes 3 Russell 3 Pavarti and 3 Tyson, but Russell convinced Tyson that Danielle and Pavarti were voting Russell, Tyson agreed to save Russell, but at Tribal Council Russell gave Pavarti the idol and the votes went 4 not counting pavarti votes, 2 Russell and 3 Tyson
2. Ian Palau
with 4 people left in the game Tom had won immunity and had intentions to vote out Jenn, but Ian hinted that if he won immunity he might have voted out Tom. Tom forced a tiebreaker which Ian wonto put him in the final 3. he then felt so bad that he gave up a chance at immunity so that tom would take Katie and would redeem himself.
1. Erick Fans Vs. Favorites
with 5 members left Erick had won immunity and was looking very close to 1 million dollars,but with a crazy idea by Cirie to get him to give up immunity, Erick went along with it and was given the label as dumbest survivor ever
Points: 25 6 comments
survivor top 10 dumbest moves May 20, 2012
10. Brandon South Pacific
the emotional christian Brandon Hantz was on a mission to clear the Hantz name, when he won immunity at 5 it seamed clear Albert was going home, but Brandon had give his word to save Albert anyway he can and gave him immunity so that he would go home instead
9. Jason Fans Vs. Favorites
Jason was clearly on the outs of the tribe and had thought he had just found the hidden immunity idol. it however was a fake that Ozzy put there(it was a stick with a face on it). he played the fake idol for Eliza, so she was sent home. the next round Ozzy was sent home with the idol so it was replanted, and he found it for real this time. even though he just saw Ozzy get blindsided with the idol he held on to it and was voted out the same way
8. Johnithan Cook Island
Johnithan was set to be in the final three with Candice and Pavarti, but he was scared of Yul's idol and voted out Nate, meaning he had stabbed every player in the back. they then knew he was a snake and voted him out 7th
7. James China
James was the first player in Survivor history to have 2 idols at one time. there was 7 people left meaning he had 3 turns to play his idols. He however decide to keep them one more round but he was too big a threat for the jury and was blindsided by Todd and Amanda
6. Colby The Australian Outback
colby had won Final immunity and it seemed like he had a guaranteed 7-0 vote in the final, but he picked the more deserving Tina and lost 4-3
5. Lillian Pearl Islands
she made a similar move that Colby did. She had won final immunity and it seemed that she was a millionaire but with a confused vote, se voted out Fairplay and lost the final vote 6-1
4. J.T. Heros Vs. Villains
it was clear to the Heros that there was an all girls alliance on the villains side and Russell was next to go. J.T. had a hidden immunity idol and after the challenge gave it to Russell in exchange for his vote after the merge. but Russell was running the show and used the idol to vote out J.T. and give the villains a 5-4 numbers advantage
3. Tyson Heros Vs. Villains
with Russell haveing the idol, Rob had everyone split the votes 3 Russell 3 Pavarti and 3 Tyson, but Russell convinced Tyson that Danielle and Pavarti were voting Russell, Tyson agreed to save Russell, but at Tribal Council Russell gave Pavarti the idol and the votes went 4 not counting pavarti votes, 2 Russell and 3 Tyson
2. Ian Palau
with 4 people left in the game Tom had won immunity and had intentions to vote out Jenn, but Ian hinted that if he won immunity he might have voted out Tom. Tom forced a tiebreaker which Ian wonto put him in the final 3. he then felt so bad that he gave up a chance at immunity so that tom would take Katie and would redeem himself.
1. Erick Fans Vs. Favorites
with 5 members left Erick had won immunity and was looking very close to 1 million dollars,but with a crazy idea by Cirie to get him to give up immunity, Erick went along with it and was given the label as dumbest survivor ever
Points: 13 2 comments
survivor top 10 smartest players May 20, 2012
10. Rob Cesterino Amazon, All-stars:3,15
known as the smartest survivor to never win, he swapped alliances back and fourth, kept the game interesting, backstabbing countless players and was still in position to win, but he lost final immunity and was voted out third. he had no chance in All-stars due to a big target on his back early, he was first out of his tribe
9. Pavarti, Cook Island, Fans Vs. Favorites, Heros vs. Villains:5,1,2
played a almost perfect game in Heros Vs. Villains. entering the game with everybody wanting her gone. she defied all odds finding a way to make it to the final three. she played a good game in Fans Vs Favorites but would not have won if there wasn't a twist that made it final 2 instead of 3
8. Todd China:1
Defiantly not the strongest, but knew the game very well. he had one main alliance(courtney and Amanda) plus several side alliances( Jean-Robert,  James, Denise). he was running the show all the way to the end with a few blindsides along the way. i couldn't put him any higher because he most likely wouldn't have won if Amanda didn't blow final tribal council
7. Kim One world:1
yes she had an easy cast to play with but she is still a great player. she was able to manipulate good players like Troyzan and Sabrinia. she also was able to win the final vote 7-2-0
6. Russell, Samoa, Heros Vs. Villains, Redemption Island:2,3,17
defiantly arrogant, defiantly annoying, defiantly a good player. his tribe was down 8-4 at the merge,but with manipulating, immunity idols, and a whole lot of bullying, he was able to lie cheat and steal his way to the final three. he however was facing the bitterest jury in survivor history who considered splitting the final vote so he would get third
5. Cirie Exile Island, Fans Vs. Favorites, Heros vs. Villains:4,3,17
without a doubt a amazing player. she was a fire building challenge away from 1 million dollars in Exile Island, if that isn't bad enough, in Fans Vs. favorites she would have won as it was her pavarti and amanda facing a mostly non biter jury. however there was a twist and it was final 2 instead of 3, amanda won and she was robed again. plus she was out by an idol in Heros vs. Villains
4. Yul Cook Islands:1
"mr stanford Harvard yale guy" as Pavarti said, he made it clear that he was the brains of the operation and was rewarded as he beat the challenge dominator Ozzy in final tribal council
3. Brian Thailand:1
might not be well liked but is a good player. he lost challenges to make himself less of a threat, he invented the sub alliance strategy that Todd, Rob, Pavarti, coach and others used
2. Richard Hatch Boreno All-stars:1,14
the first winner and the first villain. he invented alliances and even though the other tribemates didn't know what they where doing, he was the first to know what he was doing. he had no chance in All-stars because everyone wanted him gone before he stepped foot on the island
1. Boston Rob marquises, All-stars, Heros vs. Villains, Redemption Island:10,2,13,1
i will start this off by saying that i hope he never plays again, second he dominated every season he played. he only lost because he got screwed over by a twist, a bitter jury and a dumb move by tyson. nobody will ever dominate the game better then he did in Redemption Island
Points: 33 2 comments
survivor top 10 blindsides May 18, 2012
10: Eric Samoa
the overconfident galu member thought for shure it was a foa foa member next but with a great move by natalie is was his turn to go with an immunity idol in his pocket
9: LeAnn Vanuatu
It seamed impossible that that chris the last remaining man could find a crack in the 6 women alliance, but with some lies and a little bit of luck, he turned the game on it's head and LeAnn was the next to go
8: J.T. Heros vs. Villains
Prevously J.T. gave the hidden immunity idol to Russell in exchange for his vote after the merge, hovever  Russell  was running  the show for the villains and used that idol to elimanate J.T. and give the advantage to the villains
7: Tom All-stars
Big Tom thought for shure he was in the final 3 with rob and amber, but boston rob had other ideas and left him stuned as it was his time to go
6: Ozzy Fans vs. Favorites
he was almost positive that it was going to be Jason voted out that night, but Cirie thought of a new idea, with 5 votes Ozzy and 4 votes jason, it was a stunning vote, and Ozzy left with an immunity idol in his pocket
5: James China
James was a fan favorite and almost in a lock for final 4 thanks to 2 immunity idols, Todd and Amanda thought of a brilliant idea to vote him out. james decided to wait one more round to play the idols, but that round never came for him as he was the next one voted out
4: Kelly Samoa
after Eric left Galu knew they had to remain strong, up 7-4 in numbers, but when Russell pulled out the immunity idol the tribe was stunned has he uttered the famous quote, "keep hope alive"
3: Erick Fans vs. Favorites
with 5 members left Erick had won immunity and was looking very close to 1 million dollars,but with a crazy idea by Cirie to get him to give up immunity, Erick went along with it and was given the label as dumbest survivor ever
2: Tyson Heros vs. Villains
with Russell haveing the idol, Rob had everyone split the votes 3 Russell 3 Pavarti and 3 Tyson, but Russell convinced Tyson that Danielle and Pavarti were voting Russell, Tyson agreed to save Russell, but at Tribal Council Russell gave Pavarti the idol and the votes went 4 not counting pavarti votes, 2 Russell and 3 Tyson
1: Matt (second time) Redemption Island
the christian had won 7 strait redemption island challenges and was back in the game, he debated flipping to the other tribe, he decided to stay loyal but his indecision earlier scared Rob and it was Matt that got sent right back to Redemption Island
Points: 22 1 comments