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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Hot or Not Poll

Jun 29, 2013 by krazybaby
Who's hot in BB15? And who's not? Answer these questions to help me out in my new article, Hot or Not!
Answer my survey and I'll do you a favor! Need something plussed? Leave the link in your comment! Need another member in your frat? Just let me know! I'll do any favour for you as long as you answer my questions! Or you can answer them just cause you feel like it. Your input is greatly appreciated!
1. 3 hottest boys in order?
2. 3 least hottest boys in order?
3. 3 hottest girls in order?
4. 3 least hottest girls in order?
5. Who's your favorite in the house?
6. Who's your least favorite in the house?
7. Who do you think will be the winner of BB15?

In case you forget names, heres a list of the house guests
GIRLS: Elissa, GinaMarie, Helen, Candice, Amanda, Aaryn, Jessie, Kaitlin
BOYS:Jeremy, Howard, David, McCrae, Andy, Judd, Nick, Spencer

Thank you!!


1. David, Jeremy, McCrea
2. Andy, Spencer, Howard
3. Aaryn, Kaitlyn, GM
4. Helen, Elissa, Amanda
5. David
6. Andy
7. Helen
Sent by lassidoggy,Jun 29, 2013

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