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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Sep 22, 2009 by kaitydispissed
day 5 i wasnt even up for eviction, there were 1st - 9th places left and come day 6, i got placed 11th, like wtf, this is gay, what did i do, did someone report me for something i didnt do ? wtf


be more active!
Sent by Sportsdevil654,Sep 22, 2009
you really should not have been algo'd
I dont understand it at all.
Cody spammed like shit and we all negged it, he had like 15 posts of spam with -2 laying around.
algo is on crack.
Sent by Knagaroo,Sep 22, 2009
I don't get it......

Are you mad about it? You said it was gay. Gay is a good thing.
Sent by BioDork,Sep 22, 2009
gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay srry if i offend anyone, but this shit pisses me off
Sent by kaitydispissed,Sep 22, 2009
You weren't active so the algo got you...
even places are for the people voted out an the odd places are for the algo choices.  if you did not notice that people got evicted without being nominated, you proably deserved 11th for not being active enough to even realize that.
Sent by Emmaleigh,Sep 22, 2009
You just offended 99% of tengaged.
Sent by BioDork,Sep 22, 2009
STFU biodork, really, im pretty sure "99%" of tengaged is not gay, cause i know a lot of people who are not
Sent by kaitydispissed,Sep 22, 2009
hunny PG. its being active :( look at my record! i hate it! :(
Sent by SallyLucy,Sep 22, 2009

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