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The joshie93's blog

Posts 70 posts

good bye tenagaged...forever!!!! Jul 19, 2010
i am flying to where i live tomorrow witha  friend and this place happens to have no internet accesses what so ever so this is a good bye forever! BECAUSE HAVING TO WAIT TIL NOVEMBER IS FOREVER! ill be back late november/early december after i graduate from school! wish me luck with that! anyway, farewell guys, ive enjoyed it, ill see you all in 5 or so months!
Points: 85 8 comments
6th place in rookies *#15653* Jul 18, 2010
in my fourth rookies i joined, i recieved 6th place at the hands of a massive pre made allaince! four joined together, won random HoH and things just did not go my way at all! i did very little camera work but alot of behind the scenes pming to save myself for as long as i did! i was looking likely to get 9th, but then i managed to escape that! 8th and 7th, but nope, i managed to avoid those spots, i tried to get one more higher, but i couldent was  eliminated!

honourable mentions: Alex, Irish, and C2MK! id play with you guys again, but to be honest, no one else in that game, unless that four of the alliance, who staged a fight to spam, were not together!
Points: 70 5 comments
19th place in survivor :( *#15745* Jul 18, 2010
i joined this site to play survivor but it just looks like i leapt into to it too quickly! i am going to do some more castings, get better at the challeneges and come back and make a merge!

good luck tribe, bring em down!
Points: 89 10 comments
What is your average? ill work it out! Jul 18, 2010
Hey guys! i thought i would go through my games to reveal my average position!  If you like post your name and i can do the same for games!

Games played: 10*
Games won:  2
Average:  7.9 Position

Games Played: 33*
Games won:  5
Average: 7.5 position

Games Played: 14*
Games won:  7
Average: 2nd position

Games played: 19*
Games won:  0
Average:  7.5 position

*incomplete games not included, Duels not included

ill do some more soon! its alot of numbers to crunch :D
Points: 66 8 comments
can someone please enrol in a Survivor....PLEASE! Jul 16, 2010
i never would normally advertise the other tribe, but we are sick of waiting, and we have nearly been waiting for one complete day, while they just need 3 more people to kick it all off!

i beg of you tengaged, dig deep, do some surverys, pleease just 3 people to the other tribe
Points: 39 5 comments
i enrolled in my first survivor! Jul 15, 2010
AND I COULDENT BE MORE EXCITED! to celebrate, my avatar will wear green until i get sick of the colour :D
Points: 188 17 comments