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The josephscar's blog

Posts 137 posts

Quit advertising your blogs and chet!!! Jul 24, 2012
I am very passionate about the anger i am feeling right now... Because I continue to get mail about people wanting me to like their blogs and like their friends blogs and like their mothers blogs... and that last one is serious i actually got a message saying like my mothers blog.... NO! I'm not gonna like your mothers blog!!!! If i pass your mothers blog and she had some valid points I might like it but now... nope! And for people who send me messages saying will you vote to keep me in All Stars I have now decided to vote to evict you ASAP. So if we all can learn one thing from this blog I hope that it is please don't message me unless it is very important!

ps: please leave a comment and I am sorry for blogging twice in one day but... if people would stop sending me stupid stuff I wouldn't have this problem and please like! Thank you (:
Points: 0 1 comments
FRAT Stars game!!! Jul 24, 2012
Right now i am super confused! Because I am in a Frat " not gonna tell you which one. if you really wanna know you can click on my profile and find out" And they started this "STARS" Game where you have to steal the seat from somebody... and people in the frat are telling me steal the seat or something like that and the leader is saying don't steal it don't steal it yet people continue to try to steal it and continue to fail... So i was just wondering... WTF are they talking about.. so if you would be kind enough tell me HOW, WHY, WHEN , AND ANY OTHER INFO YOU HAVE ON THIS GAME!

Ps: please leave your comments and thanks in advance for any likes i get!
Points: 24 2 comments
GO B-R-I-T-N-E-Y!!!!! Jul 20, 2012
ok Idk who y'all are voting for in BB 14 as players go. But I do know that for coaches BRITNEY better win other wise I will be upset... She is a stud! and im sure I will get a lot of Negs on this because a lot of people want Boogy to win. HE IS SORTA CREEPY  if you haven't noticed! He may have one BB ALL STARS but Britney picked the right team to win the game... Dan is kinda screwed. No offense dan fans... And I like Janelle but i hate her team! Moral of the story is "Team Britney for the win!"

PS: Again thank you for the comments #BB14
Points: 23 1 comments
Inactives slow up every game... If you arn't gonna play don't play and save us all the time and stress of waiting for a fasting game to actually get moving... It's called FASTING so if you would all do us a favor and not go inactive that would be grand (: Thank you soooooo much.

And PS to the people who commented on my last blog... thank you and I figured out how to get carma!
Points: 13 3 comments
I Love this game but its so hard! Sep 5, 2011
This may be the most fun game ever but i have trouble getting karma. I've one 3 times but still only have eleven Karma but I do have 38 T's so leave a comment... Tell me how to get more karma... ~ Josephscar
Points: 14 3 comments