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The jordanfan22's blog

Posts 1537 posts

Frat idea Jul 21, 2013
any TV stars want it
Points: 0 0 comments
Did McCrae propose to Amanda Jul 21, 2013
Points: 12 1 comments
Whoose Wedding Jul 21, 2013
is going on in BB After Dark
Points: 0 0 comments
My rant Jul 21, 2013
Points: 0 0 comments
Honestly Jul 21, 2013
NO ONE should win #bb15
No one is really fighting for the win, and ill tell you how
Helen #QueenHelen : Not really fighting got one HOH while Ellisa got MVP and felt like she had everything
Ellisa #Teamhellisa :She doesn't need to do much just show her face and everyone will vote her because she looks like rachel
Amanda: Thinks she runs anything, really runs #nothing
McCrae: whipped by Amanda #nothing
Howard: Believes too much in religion and is scarred to really fight and lie for the win
Candice: Constantly with Howard now, believed in her week 3 but then Howard came to save her and now she wont get from under Howard
Spencer: #lame #boring
Andy: Nothing is really going on with him, never controlls anything hasn't won anything and now is a have not for 3 out of 4 weeks, really
Judd the Studd: #Lucky got a lucky guess on an HOH and was confused on how it worked
Jessie: What has she done???? Picked the wrong side to begin with, found out, and traded spots A.K.A jumped ship
Ginamarie: #futureNickstalker
Kaitlin: maybe now that Jeremy is gone she might fight back like Rachel did when she lost Brendon
Aaryn: She is honestly my biggest hope to win becasue of fighting her way to final two, America thinks of her as a racist, no one really enjoys her presence in the house, if she can even make it to jury it would be amazing

Really Nick was the best one to actually win it by coming up with an alliance getting out David at the start but then Jeremy had to win POV to last one extra week, effectively getting out someone who could have actually deserved this game
Points: 44 0 comments
How do you become Jul 21, 2013
most loved??
on hall of fame
Points: 32 3 comments