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The joao545's blog

Posts 3 posts

An "Official Tengaged Store" Idea Jan 11, 2014
imageHello everyone :)

This is an idea I'm gonna send to randomize. It's pretty simple and can become real as the Frats did.

All values were set up for Brazilian Tengaged, so don't panic, it won't sell anything for only 50T$ here.

It would be a new section, just like here:

Once you click it, you would be able to see this page:

. How this shop works

The Tengaged_Moderation could add designs whenever they want to this shop (maybe one or two per week), which would have a lot of stocks (eg. 100) at low prices (I guess 100T$ is great).

There are two kinds of designs you can buy:

- Common ones: These designs won't sold out, you can buy them whenever you want and they will be there. Also, you can't gift anyone in this section.

- Limited ones: These designs should be added on special dates. Here you can buy Christmas or Halloween exclusives (such as those randomize added on 2012 - could even .gif designs be able to buy), etc. You can gift anyone in this section, but there are some limits: they can sold out (if they have stocks) or they can expire (after the clock goes zero - but if you bought, you will keep the design for you forever).

Hope you like the idea and sorry for bad english :)

UPDATE:  Please notice that these images only ilustrate the idea. The T_Mod won't be able to add design just as they wish, but they are gonna need permissions just as everybody does. The designer could get some profit (eg. 50T$ per design on the common shop) and whenever the T_Mod needs more designs, they could just create a blog asking it what they want.

Also, this doesn't break the regular shops, as it isn't possible to gift anyone with common designs, and the Limited Designs, as the name says, won't be able to people everytime.
Points: 1751 66 comments
10 Things you may not know about Tengaged Feb 3, 2013
imageHello guys

This is a blog I made for Tengaged Brazil, but I decided to translate it to english so you could read it too. Some things are about both Tengageds, others just about .br, but you'll probably understand it.

1- Cheater Avatar
A long time ago, when Inspect Element was first discovered on Tengaged, some people used it to wear some designs that they didn't buy. Once randomize discovered it and changed security, everyone who was suspicious got a Cheater Avatar just like this and then, to change it, you should go to your avatar page and change it manually, so you couldn't steal designs anymore.

2- Delete Account Page
This is a project that randomize had never make it works indeed, but it was still available to access on Tengaged. It was supposed to be on your Settings page, so you could click there and you would got an e-mail and by accepting that e-mail your account would be permanent removed. The page is no longer available.

3- Tengaged CDN
For some time, the page was available to access but you couldn't login/register by there. It was used once on Tengaged Brazil to show players how was the new page to who was logged off, as no one would need to logout to see this, and then randomize saw it and closed it to us. That's why all imagens come with a "cdn." before tengaged.

4- Multiple actives blogs
There is a way to create how many blogs you want and make it all to the front page of blogs. Unfortunately, it uses Mod tools: You need to blacklist yourself, then make a lot of blogs at the same time and then unblacklist everything, so all the blogs became active and you can get the first page fully with only your blogs. It was used once in a event on Tengaged Brasil, announcing the NPC "Death", which scared a lot.

5- Ghost Players
In Tengaged Brazil there were some accounts that was almost 1000 days offline at the second year of the game. This is, obviously, impossible and all the names were "normal" names, just like John here. It was believed that those were randomize's accounts to test Tengaged Brazil on beta version or even that Tengaged Brazil were once the Test Server of Randomize, before he creates the Tengaged Brazil indeed. Now, it's not possible to access those accounts anymore.

6- The Stars Group
Problably most of you know that: Stars is based on Group polls, as you can see here (also with a list of some players who discovered it and joined). What is curious is that Group and Polls were released months after the first Stars Game, so randomize had that in mind a long time before released it.

7- The Tengaged Bankrupt
If you cry when you get Bankrupt on WoF, then problably you would cry if your T$ goes 0. This happened in the firsts months of, where everyone got 0T$ and then, as apologize, randomize gave 100T$ to everybody. Of course, some people had more than 100T$ before this happened and then just lost their money.

8- Stars Dress
You know that design, for sure:
Every single player who starts to draw a design discovers that shirt at the Avatar Template and some of them upload it to Design Labs. Well... It's not a shirt actually...

9- The player who had its first game a Rookies
Well, that is not true at all, but if you got to her page and check for the first game, you'll see a rookies:
That's because before Rookies was released in Tengaged Brazil, a player enrolled into using some glitches and then the game opened. Randomize closed it but one month later, when he launched rookies to Tengaged Brazil, the game was still number #1115, which made her get that game as her first one. Also, when Stars on Tengaged Brazil were taken A LOT to start, a player called Annye enrolled it by 0T$ and it was her first game ever. Actually, it was someone multi and then got banned a few weeks later.

10- ColorNoses, Hearts and a Clown Nose.
These are some of randomize's projects that it wasn't complete released. RedNoses can vary from red to orange/pink, and also is possible to add Hearts or a Clown Nose aswell.
This was very known because of mess. This was first noticed and used on Tengaged Brazil while there was a Couple System and when you got married with someone, you got those heart.
Clown Nose doesn't forbid you to play casting as ColorNoses does.

So that's it. Sorry if my english is bad but I'm not a native speaker.

Thank you for reading it :)
Points: 1897 42 comments
[Survivor] Ideas! Oct 16, 2009
Hi everyone! here are some ideas that I posted on Tengaged BR about survivor.
Tent: It would need 3 people to pitch the tent. They will need to click on the icon "pitch". They can not do any of the challenges or hunt while they are pitching it.
Time to pitch: 3 hours (for people that have 25/25)
Energy used to pitch: 10/10
In the tent, 2 people can rest at a time. Resting will increase your energy levels. You can sleep just 1 hour per day. For every 10 minutes you rest, your levels will increase by 1. The tent will be present up until the time you merge once it is pitched.
Level of Food/Water: The people that hunt or collect water will gain experience (EXP points). When their EXP level goes up, they will obtain 1 more food / water. It would take 75 points to level up. Each time you hunt or move the butt you earn 10 EXP.
Time to hunt / collect water: The amount of time it takes to  hunt or collect water should be proportional to the food and water levels.
Food challenge: Would be the same challenges we have already but the winner on the tribe will obtain some food.
Prizes for the challenges: When you win the challenge, you will obtain some items, like flint (to obtain fire), spear (to hunt faster) and another butt (if you have another butt, 2 people could collect water).
1st challenge - Flint
2nd challenge - Spear
3rd Challenge - Butt
Note: It will all disappear when you merge!
Thank you Emmaleigh for helping me with my grammar!
Points: 470 42 comments