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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Are you kidding me Peter?!?!? #bbcan Rant

Apr 13, 2013 by jacobr93
SO I was basically rooting for Peter and Alec's alliance until Alec had to go off and make some stupid choices. Then Peter makes the dumbest move in #bbcan history (even though it just started), not using the veto on Topaz!?

I don't know.. maybe being in a house for that long gets to your decision making but come on now, that is an obvious one! If he had simply kept her, he guarantees himself an extra vote and someone else to work with. And she has obviously proved to be a worthy competitor (when she isn't sleeping). Then they could have got to working on Andrew and Talla by reminding them that there is NO point in working with Emmett and Jillian because no matter what they will choose each other for F2.

Why would you waste your time with an alliance when there is literally a clear vision that you will NOT win. There comes a point where you need to cut them off. 

But since none of them have yet to make these decisions that could have saved their asses, I am left with no other choice to be #teamjillian and #teamemmett because at least they are winning, making moves, and getting out strong targets.

Okay that is all for my rant. Thank you for listening :D


Peter did not use the PoV on Topaz because he knew it was a lost cause. He has been warming up to Jillian all week so that if she wins HoH, he is on her good side
Sent by minidude13,Apr 13, 2013
i know! he could have at least gotten topaz on his side! doesn't he know he is the target in the house?
Sent by Skyhawk,Apr 13, 2013
Irl why didn't he use the veto

That is the dumbest move in both Canadian and recent us season
Sent by Jacob_C,Apr 13, 2013
minidude13 and look where that got him... on the block.
Sent by jacobr93,Apr 14, 2013
Please I think we can all agree Marcelas not using the Veto on himself was the dumbest move in the history of Big Brother ^.^
Sent by Hannah_Parks,Apr 14, 2013
I completely agree with you, Peter made a really dumb move :/
Sent by Etienne,Apr 16, 2013

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