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The is2gucci's blog

Posts 501 posts

JOIN MY ROOKIES! Oct 17, 2009

i promisse it will be fun i will make you like cupcakes or something! :P
Points: 19 11 comments
ohhhh guess who is light green? Oct 9, 2009
imageMEEE woot woot! im soo happy anyone want some pizza? its on me! cuz im now green! woot woot and i won my casting game! great game 2d and green! <3 you all! :P
Points: 16 4 comments
imageOKAY hii everyone long time noo see soo i have been busy wit college and told myself i wouldnt get on until i could handle a balance of study time and tengaged and i think i got it down, anyways... so i finally get back on and wtf! im soo shocked casting has challenges now and dude this is awsome cuz now its more challenging and idk fun more like bb...welll to my surprize i am WRONG these challenges now make casting soo inactive, like i remember wen 1400 posts in my other casting games were like eww soo bad, man in one casting we had like 11000 posts and it was just crazyy! idk if its just school, which im hoping it is, or that everyone just gets on plays the challenge and hopes to get a high score and then gets off. its soo sad like wat happened to the stay up late and bake wit other to share wit the house, i remember wit a bunch of pplz i would bake wit, like david who was always high and hungry but refused my food lol. Or like the fights about who is negging and who is not! omg they were soo much stress and fun! or wat about the talks we would all have about sex and stuff and make that one person who was going to be evicted next sooo awkward! ughhh i hope its just skool and that during the break pplz will talk like noo 2morrow cuz im a talkative motherfucker and i need pplz to talk to lol!
Points: 13 3 comments
...TODAY IN STARS!... Aug 21, 2009
imageyou all should vote to SAVE MIKE FOR ALL THESE REASONS...
1. He is the smexyest mexican i know
3. If you vote to evict him you will get Herpes
4. Mike will put on a Gun show if he stays!
5. Mike might be made of chocolate...
6. I'll slap a bitch if he leaves!....
7. .....depending of how u like it i might slap a bitch if he stays*kinky*
8. i will give you a hug? shit idk im running outa shit
9. I will give everyone who votes for mike a lap dance!! :D
and last but not least....
10. Mike does NOT kill lil puppies... not saying charming does...its just a rumor...u never know keep an eye on ur doggys pplz...
soo yea vote to keep him in stars comeon ya know he deserves it and i just sat here and made up a list soo yea click here and evict charming thanks!
Points: 4 12 comments
SHIT MY PANTS Aug 15, 2009
imageWELL RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE THIS...THIS IS HAPPENING! soo im just u know staying up till 3 am cuz i want to i guess sitting in my room on my labtop wen all of a sudden my other computer turns on all by itself! ahhh *shits pants* im to scared to stand up or even go over there to turn it off! wtf! ahhh okay just sit in my bed and not think of the movie i saw 2day "amityville horror" FUCKKK Y DID I HAVE TO WATCH IT TO NITE! ahh okay well as i try to not think about this ima just keep eating cheez-it's and drink my lemonaid in hopes the ghost or w.e. shut is back off... anyways the screen saver should come on in a lil right? ahhh fuck me im scared! haha
Points: 49 9 comments
GO GREEN? Aug 11, 2009
imageahhh hey everyone look at my casting game! haha we all went GREEN! lol ohh snap look at that!
Points: 20 5 comments