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Benjo's Blog, Init

Posts 32 posts

Quote of the day! Oct 2, 2012
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. - Steve Jobs
Points: 0 0 comments
Negging Apr 6, 2011
So people negged my blog about the tengaged bans. Pathetic!
Points: 0 0 comments
Tengaged Bans Part 2 Apr 6, 2011
I am just out of another pointless ban being accused for something that never happened.
I am getting really annoyed now. I got banned again for multi accounts when I have one!!! Tengaged pull your finger out and ban people that really have multiple accounts. Stop Targeting people and finding other reasons to ban them. Your mod team are not doing a sufficient job! And maybe reply to emails. User support sucks really bad. Get your act together! And I will probably be banned for standing up to you lot but I have a right to an opinion especially when it is the damn truth!

Here is my Email to them!
"Hello. (Username : iTzBenjo)

I am really getting annoyed at your so called fair moderators! I have been banned once again for having multi accounts when I only have one. As I said in a blog and in another message like most people on Tengaged that never get banned have friends over who they play with. But the mod team think oh lets just ban these 2 when it is my friend that comes on NOT ME!. I know for a fact that we are being singled out because one of the mods has a problem with us. I want my ban removed because it is unfair that I am being accused of it and losing games for it!"

Points: 4 0 comments
Red nose Apr 2, 2011
Anyone know how to get rid of one? Thanks. :)
Points: 7 2 comments
Tengaged Bans. Apr 1, 2011
Okay so I have just been unbanned for apparently having multi-accounts. I think Tengaged should maybe look closer and people's accounts before just being trigger happy and banning whoever they want.
I myself was banned along with JamieN8954 who is a friend irl and comes over to my house to go on Tengaged. If they looked into it a little bit more they would see that we are 2 completly different people. If they looked at the IPs more then once they would see that Jamie connects on the same as me and his home one. Also I don't understand why other people are not banned but it is always the innocent ones that are banned. I have seen so many multi accounts by people that are still going. AND they made me loose my castings! I want to get back in! I have been cheated out of a potential win.
Sorry about my little rant.
Now get rid of my red nose!
Plus this if you agree and can you tell me how to get rid of my nose?
Points: 0 0 comments
My new design. Mar 30, 2011 Here it is. Please plus it. :) Some Black Level negged it. D:
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