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The hufflebibin's blog

Posts 20 posts

Don't kick chairs- it hurts! Apr 10, 2009
Hey people!!

So, my daddy is coming home today. YAY! But he's leaving in a week again. Boo. For six months to a year. Double boo. But he's moving to Cali, so vacations will be fun!
Anyways, we cleaned the house for him today. All day long. But the house is pretty and clean now. And I smell like bleach. I used a LOT of bleach in the bathroom. But the grout is white again, so thats good.
So, its Spring Break- woo whoo! Anybody got any good movies to watch if one was going to be home alone all break long? (My parents have work and my siblings have school, leaving me to study for the AUSH exam and watch TV. And play DDR.)
And the moral of today's blog is don't kick chairs. It hurts. And it can make your toe turn pretty colors (but its easier, and less painful, to paint it pretty colors.)

Happy Easter (if I don't blog until after)
Bibbi (or Mary, if you'd like)
Points: 23 8 comments
A blog!!! Apr 7, 2009
Yay! A blog! This is pretty awesome! So, here is where I shall tell you all about my day, and rant (most likely- just a warning)

So, here it goes. Today was pretty good school wise. I had a snow day yesterday, so all my tests were cancelled. Which is a sort of yay, but I just remembered that I have to write an essay. I should go do that now. Then go study for 4 tests and figure out how to carve celtic knots quickly (and well) for my pottery class. But spring break starts on Thursday! Yays for no school!

I'm gonna go be studious now. Byes!

Bibbi (or Mary, if you like)
Points: 9 7 comments