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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Feb 7, 2010 by heybuddybestfriend
okay so if you've seen the moveie the hangover.. you will find this funny .. even if you haven't it will be hilarious!!
So i play hockey and its the second period.....
.... we are playing fort quepelle....
so we're already losing 9 to 0 sp we decide our game plan will be to quote hangover...
so on the ice....
there was a scramble in front of teh net and our goalie was like "not up in here" and alisa(a girl on my team) came and stood between our goalie and there and player and yelled "NOT UP IN HERE!" ... funny!
so taylor get hurt and is sorta just laying there and alisa goes right up to there player and says "how dare you shes a very nice lady"
when it was like dead silence........ funniest thing ever.
then they get a penalty and alisa says "carlos not at the table"..
and their player is like fuck off and alisa is like "i find your language offensive"......
then i was like "hey blondy wanna join my wolf pack!"
theres much much more!!!!
funn fun funn!!!! :)
if you love this + it!!
that would be beautiful of you ;)


Sent by wafflecone,Feb 7, 2010
Sent by jdog,Feb 7, 2010
Oh god lol thats halarious!
Sent by Sammyjo63,Feb 7, 2010

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