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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Can anyone help me?

Jun 23, 2011 by greenwoa01
by explaining how survivor works . i know its a dumb request but i dont watch it much and i would love to play it

all help is greatly appreciated


Survivor Rules.
Written by MinsiKid
So you just joined your first Survivor? Great! Myself and all of Tengaged wish you the best of luck on your journey. But there are a few things you need to know first. We will divide this into four parts.
1. Food, Water, and Supplies.
2. Challenges.
3. Immunity Challenges.
4. Tribal Council.

1. Food, Water, and Supplies.
Health - On your person Tengaged page, you will see a stat that nobody else can see when they visit you - your Health. Your health can range anywhere from 0-100%, and if it is your first survivor, your health will be 100%. The higher your health, the more food and water you personally have when you join the game, and the more of those you have, the better your challenge bonuses and more likely you are to not die.
Death - If your stats ever reach 0 food and 0 water, there is a chance that you will die during the day change. It is important to keep a close eye on your food and water every day, and to make it on at least once a day to keep current with your stats.
Your Stats - Your own food and water stats will appear in blue, just directly above either one (The water is obviously the glass of water, while the food is the turkey). You can increase your stats by eating and drinking supplies, but we'll get to that in just a little bit. Your stats will not remain the same the entire game! They will fall by about 6 food and 5 water every single time there is a day change, and they will also fall every time you collect more supplies!
Group Supply Stats - The entire tribe shares each other's supplies, and how much you have of each is shown in black, just directly above food and water. Remember, your stats are blue, the group supplies are in black. Don't take too many things from the group supplies! People have been known to get greedy and booted before they deserved too, all because they weren't eating their fair share.
Collecting Supplies - In between the fire and your water cup, you will always see one of three images - A Sun, a Rain Cloud, or an "Overcast", basically a Sun blocked by a Cloud. When the Sun is out, you may hunt for food to add 10 Food to the entire group supply. Hunting for food will cost you 6 of your own personal water. When the Rain Cloud is out, you may collect 10 water for the group, by sacrificing 6 of your own food. If the Overcast sign is up, you cannot collect food or water. It is much easier to collect food than water - While the Sun stays out, every half hour you can hunt. While you are collecting Rain however, you may not drink water, and then rain can take up to 2 hours to collect fully. Remember, a good Survivor player does their fair share of collecting. If you take too much without giving back to the group, they won't think you are being a team player.
Taking Supplies **IMPORTANT** - In order to take supplies, you may click on either the food or water icon, and use the + and - buttons to figure out how much food or water you would like to consume. You cannot consume water while your tribe is collecting rain. AND HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF SURVIVOR YOU WILL EVER NEED TO KNOW - NEVER, EVER, EVER EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING WHILE THE FIRE IS OUT! You have to keep an eye on the fire at all times - if it is out, and you eat or drink, your stats will fall dramatically and you could die, eliminating you from the game.
The Fire - Many people will argue that stoking the fire is a waste of time, and in some cases it is. The fire will rekindle itself after being out long enough, at least once a day, allowing the group to eat and drink - that's why it's important to be on frequently for your survivor game. Again, do not eat or drink while the fire is out, or you will get sick and your stats will fall dramatically. Keep and eye on your fire, but don't worry about keeping it lit.

2. Challenges.
There are three buttons to the right of your Food Icon and Stats. They read Challenge, Immunity, and Trib. Council.
The first button, Challenges, is the most important. Every day in your survivor game, there will be a challenge.
Sitting People Out - Someone on your tribe should be experienced enough with the rules to know how many people should compete in the challenge. However, if there is not, there is a simple way to remember how many people should do the challenge. Look at your own tribe, and your opposing tribe (a button located next to the palm tree by your stats). Whichever tribe has the LOWEST number of people, must have all of their players compete. The tribe with MORE people, can ONLY have the same number of people compete. For example, if you have 7 people on your tribe, and the other tribe has 4, you MUST sit 3 people from your tribe out of the challenge, and only have 4 compete from each. If you do not, your 4 lowest scores will count, and all of your highest ones will not count towards your daily total.
Winning - If your tribe's total score is higher than that of your opponents, you will win the challenge. This will keep you safe from going to tribal council and voting a member off of your tribe. You will also not have to compete in the Immunity challenge, but you will have to compete in the next Challenge again. Remember, every day there is a challenge, and you must have the minimum number of people complete it or it gives the other tribe a much bigger advantage.
Losing - If you lose, you will be forced to go to Tribal Council and vote one of your own off. That will be discussed in the next sections.

3. Immunity challenge.
Should your tribe lose, and you are sent to Tribal Council, you will have one shot to make all votes against you null and void - the immunity challenge. Give it your best because if not, it could be you sent home. Take a very close look at who has the highest score, because any votes sent towards the person who wins the Immunity will be negated, and the person with the next highest votes could leave. That means even if your entire tribe votes for one person and they win immunity, they have the entire say in who leaves your tribe that day.

4. Tribal Council
The third and final button to the right of your food stats says "Trib. Council", it is where you will go to vote out one of your own. You do not actually need to vote, but it could help you stay safe in the game and therefore it is recommended. To vote, just click the name of one of your tribe mates, and save. Again, take note of the winner of the Immunity challenge - your vote against them will NOT count.
And that is your basic run through of Survivor. I have divided it up enough to the point where you can simply do a quick CTRL+F and find the section you are looking for. It will make the read through much easier on you :)
And while these are the basics, there are a lot of other things you should know while playing, so I will just do a few quick tips to help you out.
Some Tips
- A good strategy is to keep in the strongest people in the challenges, so that your tribe does not lose and you don't have to vote anybody off.
- Likewise, sometimes for your own safety you will have to organize an alliance to keep yourself safe and that could mean sending home a strong challenger instead.
- Obviously, the ideal situation is to create yourself a strong alliance with strong challengers, so that you can continue to make merges and not fall victim to strictly numbers.
- Tribes that merge with more people than you, may tend to vote you off. Try to work your way in if you can.
- Generally you don't need to concern yourself with the Other Tribe, especially if they are trying to get you to do stupid things like pick fights or eat more supplies - they are only looking out for their own good. If they are friendly, then go for it. If not, just ignore them!
- Once 10 people total are out of the game, you will merge. Your stats will be much lower than before, but now you know how to play! Remember, the magic number is 10. Just hang on til then and you will get your 10T and 10 karma! If your stats are under 40, I know for a fact they go back to at least 40/40. I believe otherwise you will gain about 30 of each.
- Try and take note of your scores each day. How well do people do in Match 3, Numbers, Deal or No Deal (Although % bonus generally matters more), or Wheel of Fortune? This can make a BIG difference when you have to sit people out - You will know who exactly can give you your highest scores for that challenge, guiding you to an easy victory!

And that's it :) Good luck and may you have many merges in your future!
Check the faq for more info on the prizes!
Sent by best,Jun 23, 2011
thanks so much
Sent by greenwoa01,Jun 24, 2011

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